
Private adoption?

by  |  earlier

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I will like to adopt a kid however I am interested in a private adoption where if the mother pregnant or have a child to give for adoption to contact me and take it from there as lawyer,paper ect will be file because I am fed up to wait what can I do how can I find someone who is giving there child away the reason why I don't want to go to different agency it very hard paper work and the matching it taking to long help also if anyone know someone let me know




  1. I was a foster parent for 8 years and in the last year I have adopted 2children which lived with me for the past 3 years, they are now 8 and 15. I don't care their age if you are a person who has love to give to a child there are many out there all ages. Look into your state agencies because there are many and some better than others. Children of all ages. Please we need good loving people for these children.

  2. I do not feel that this exactly the right forum for you to field your question worded that way.

    There are many Private as wqell as Govt agency who can assist you. Other than that Family and friends are a great option to meet with prospective mothers. However this forum is not the right place for your request.

    Thank You.

    Hey Robin I have ab Idea How about you post your address and real name on here so that i can introduce you to the THOUSANDS of mothers and children who are in the adoption pool because they cannot or are not able to keep their children we do not steal take coherse bribe buy trick requisition claim borrow or abscond with any womans child. The birthmother has the right at anytime to say no. You would prefer that a child has no love rather than be adopted simply because they are an infant or toddler? Yes there are older children in need of a home. If you are so stuck on that concept start adopting more be a better foster parent cmon you can handle at least 10 kids right? I know people who do it Do your part help the kids Don't you mean what you say?

    Cmon different strokes for different folks girl.

  3. There are thousands of kids awaiting adoption who really need and deserve good loving homes.   I think it should be them saying they are 'fed up to wait'

    Adoption is about giving homes to kids who need them, right.  Give a 'fed up with waiting' child a home.

  4. Why not see about an older or special needs child who really needs a home, rather than taking a newborn away from his or her mother? If you want to help a child, then help mothers keep their babies instead of trying to take one.

  5. You will still have to wait to find someone.  Usually private adoption is done when you already know someone who is giving their child up for adoption. Then you would go to a lawyer just to do the paperwork etc.  

    If you want to do it on your own, you will have to do a bunch of advertising in some place to find someone.  It will cost you a lot of money.

  6. Maybe go talk to some local churches and see if they know of any girls who need an adoptive family for her baby.  If you get the word out that you are looking hopefully it will get passed around and someone will contact you.  Good luck

  7. The adoption of an infant takes years, it is a very very long process because for every baby out there there are thousands of parents waiting.

    The only way to get a faster result with an infant is to go international.

    Posting stuff like this is only going to get you ripped off.  People spell how eager you are and they scam you. Attorneys are the WORST!  Be patient with your agency or find another one.

  8. There's websites that you can go to. Put an add in a college newspaper. Talk to your Gynocologist and see if they know someone. I would never give out lots of money to the Mom incase she is scamming you. I would hire a lawyer and all that.

  9. I would never recommend a private adoption to expectant mothers considering adoption.  They end up not getting the services that they need.

    Adoption is a long, hard process, and there are very few infants available anymore.  I suggest that you look into foster care.  If you are so anxious to give a child a home that you can't wait to find an infant, why not an older child?
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