
Private school being inhuman?

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Since my parents aren't caught up with my tuition. The school refuses to let me take the final. I understand that is policy. But do you think its fair that my teachers publicly announce it in front of my peers the nonpayment. My teacher actually asked if i was in his class. When i said i was there. In front of the whole class he said (When are you going to pay you have to take the final).I said I dont know he dont you need to tell me because i need to give you that test..that he had the nerve to ask me if i was transferring.

Do you think that private schools have the right to disclose information to students and teachers about tuition delinquencies? We are not trying to get out of paying the school, i just think they are publicizing the matter.




  1. I feel so bad for you!! I do not think your teacher should have done that. I think it's terrible that the teacher even knew the situation. It would be better if the administration took care of the business side of the school, and the teachers could concentrate on teaching. I think your teacher was stupid to think that you would know when your parents would be able to pay. Surely it is your job to study, and your parents job to sort out the financial things as soon as they can, if that is what they said they would do when you started at this school.

    I also think the school should let you take the exam at the same time as everyone else, and perhaps not tell you your score, or give you credit, until the course or semester is paid for...  

    Don't worry too much about not having as much "stuff" as your classmates... just study as best you can.... time changes everything...

  2. I do feel really bad for you, but it is private school they can do that. Your teacher is worried about you and your grade take that from them. They weren't tring to single you out.

  3. File a report with child protection services for harrassment/ emotional abuse and sue if you have to.

    Not giving you a transcript is understandable. Harrassing a student is not appropriate. Harrassment is not allowed at a job, why should it be allowed at school where you are much younger and don't have a choice to leave.? You have the right to a non-intemidating learning environment.

    Go through all your paperwork , catalog, and online, and check all their privacy policies. Financial situation may be private information which they are not allowed to disclose. If so, they could owe you for damages. Make sure to get your transcript if you are in highschool or above. If you are not in highschool then your transcript isn't as important. If you enroll in a public school your parents can write a note explaining why you do not have a transcript and where you last attended. The public school can get enrollment verification from the private school.

    If nothing else works, take it to the media. You are a victim of a slowing economy and your teacher (who is supposed to be a role model and advocate) is harrassing and degrading you. You could take it to the media in the form of a fundraiser, so they think you are not going there to complain but to get help. Then let them know the whole story.

  4. No, your teacher shouldn't do that - it's none of their business (the other kids in the class).  The administration should take it up with your parents (as they're the ones responsible for it, not you) and leave it at that.

    What are you supposed to do about it in class - magically pull the money out of nowhere and write a check?  Your teacher is not only acting like an immature twit, he's setting himself (and the school) up for action from your parents.

    If a teacher did that to my child, I'd be all over it - and I'd be in the school director's office giving that teacher a piece of my mind.  Honestly, other than not issuing your final, your teacher has absolutely nothing to do with the matter.

    Get your parents involved.  Yes, it's school policy that your final and transcript will be withheld, but it's not ethical for any staff or faculty member to treat you like that simply because your family is going through a rough time.

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