
Private school my whole life to public middle school!(read on)

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Okay, i've been to private schools all of my life. I went to different schools at least 2 times but i still knew like1 person who went there.

And I'm really scared!! I'm entering the 6th grade.

I heard it's a GREAT middle school from like everyone i told!!haha

I might not go for the first couple of days because we might not move in time and I think that's kinda worse because I'll miss out on some stuff.

And give me advice on both problems please.

Will the public middle school be harder?

How will I make friends?..I'm not shy when my friends are around but when they aren't around I'm kinda shy.

I'm very outgoing and fun though but I keep my grades mostly like A's and one B..I'm pretty and got accepted into modeling but i quit, i love sports, and im skinny not at all.





  1. Hi! I am a sixth grade teacher. It is hard going to a new school. I switched schools fairly often. Is this school a 6th, 7th, and 8th grade school? If so, then all of the sixth graders will be new. I can guarantee that 3/4 of the kids are going to be nervous, just like you. I always have my students write me letters, and they always tell me how nervous they are. I used to teach 4th grade, and interestingly, 6th graders are much more nervous at the beginning of the year than 4th graders. I think it is because you are at such a sensitive age and everything feels so intense. Just be yourself. Smile a lot. Act like you are interested in learning more about your new area and school. When I was new I always managed to find friends quickly because I smiled. Don't act too needy. Don't be afraid to ask someone if you can sit by them at lunch. If you don't have anyone to sit by right away, that is okay. You will be more able to sit back and watch and see what people may suit you best as friends. Your other question was if a public middle school is harder. All private schools are different, so I don't know. I do know that you seem very mature from your question, so you will definitely be able to handle your new school. So smile, try to be a little outgoing, act interested, be kind, be yourself (this is the most important thing), and you will do great. Good luck!

  2. OMG I have the same problem! lol! Except Im going into seventh. Well I'm sure you expected an answer but I just wanted to let you know that your not alone.

  3. I never used the computer until I was like in 8th grade so this shocks me.

    Uh, I went to private school and now Im in a public highschool.

    Its not really diffrent.  Just more kids and you get your own style.

    No one really cares if youre pretty that can be intimidating to some.

    I am a model, I would know. But just because youre a model it doesnt mean youre pretty. Anyways, just be yourself and kids will come to you.

    I move schools every two years because my dad is in the military. Just sit in class, and when someone says something you know about, just jump in. You start to get the hang of it.

    Join some clubs and sports. Im not shy, but Im very quiet.

    But if you dont open your mouth people wont want to get to know you, especially if youre pretty.

    Im a straight A student and I mean, grades dont really have an affect on people eaither. Just dont hang with the druggies. ^_^

    Haha yeah, in middle school.

    I would say public schools are easier than private ones.

  4. It is different but trust me you will make a lot of friends because as long as you can introduce yourself you will make friends. Public school is fun so just chill out and dont worry.

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