
Private school or public school??

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My 2 year old daughter attends a private school...just a couple of half days a week to mix with other children. Debating whether to keep her in this private school for the rest of her school days or move her to a public school. The reason being, is that we are not a 'posh' family, more towards the common one! We don't eat in posh restaurants, we don't have 3 course meals, we only have a crappy little car etc! I'm really worried that my daughter in time will feel like she inferior to all the other children in private school who are posh and loaded. I don't want her to be bullied or just generally feel they are better than her. She has already been to a birthday party of a boy in her class and they of course had a huge house and the rest. I want her to feel happy and comfortable with the people she mixes with. So what do i do? Do i keep her in private school to get her a brilliant education but risk her feeling unhappy and inferior?..........




  1. There are a lot of factors involved in a decision like this.  I would say go for public school if the schools in your area have good ratings.  I was in private school for 3 years and public school from 3rd -12th grade.  I prefer public school.  You get to wear whatever you want, and its a more relaxed atmosphere.  

    Whether a child is in public school, or private school...if they have the will to succeed then it will happen, but this is more likely to happen if your child feels safe and comfortable.  If you think your daughter will be happier in public school then enroll her there, or find a private school that is not as "posh" as the one you are at now.  I personally would rather have my child in a public school with normal kids, then at a private school with a bunch of spoiled, and mean rich kids.

  2. i think whatever makes her happy is good, because if she isnt happy in a private, than that can lead to a life of depressions, and in public, u can express urself more, and be someone individual, in private the outfits, the rules arent a big smile on ur childs face

    P.S. if it was a good answer best me?

  3. if the private school is actually going to give her a better education then why change that??  Not all rich people are mean to those less fortunate. Is this a religious school or just private?? That would make a difference too.  Either way I would take her out unless there is a problem. Besides if they grow up together from such a young age I cant see why she woud be treated badly.

  4. You know, this is a hard decision!

    You need to weigh in every aspect!

    I do believe that if she is in this school from the beginning she will make friends and she will get planted in the school with the kids!

    If you teach your child that material is not everything, then don't worry about it!

    Besides, most kids dont' care about who has a bigger house or who has the nicest cars!!!!!!

    If she will get a brilliant education isn't that what you want?

    If you put her in a public school, yes she will get an education!

    And she will have a lot more confidence in herself if you have confidence in her! :)

    Best of luck!

  5. Well theres a lot of schools out there. Cheaper private schools could be a good midle for your daughter. Public schools wont be as good as private but you'll save a bit that you'll be able to spend on other things e.g when she asks for money, braces, uni. I reckon public, just make sure you chose one that has a good reputation.

  6. Public school is a great idea.

    She will get to meet a lot of new people, which is good for growing kids.

    She will still get a good education.

  7. from my limited understanding of this issue, i think you should judge the schools on more than whether they are private or not, often if you are unsure talking to your child about it will point you in the right direction

  8. If the school is better keep her in the private school. Her education is the most important thing. Just try to make sure that she knows the value of money and what's important in life. My baby daughter is only 7 months old but she goes to a private nursery in the afternoons, we'll then send her to a private primary school. We chose this nursery because we think it is the best for our daughter, we did look at other public schools but the advantages were that there are only five kids in her class! We're not posh either and have a 'normal' house and car and have had to make sacrifices to send out daughter to this nursery but then again our daughter's future is more important than getting new clothes every month. Do what you think is best for your daughter and just keep an eye on her for any signs of trouble.

  9. Well for a start bear in mind that at private school they don't have to follow the curriculum so your child may not be taught the same things as in public school.  That is the main thing that put me off!!

    Also, and I know families who have experienced this, there is nothing worse than feeling as though you don't fit in.  If you are not a 'known' family or don't have enough disposable income to be able to afford the same things for your child as her peers will have, she may be left to feel out of place and second class and no child should have to feel like that.  Obviously it is wrong to make anyone feel like that but unfortunately kids can be cruel!

    Don't think that public education is going to fail your daughter either.  I went to a public school and came out with far better results and other accolades than any of my friend or cousins, who were treated to a private education.

    The most important thing is that your daughter is happy at her school.  Don't get caught in the trap of thinking results are everything, they are not!  The more you enjoy your time at school the more you are likely to achieve there :)

  10. a private school is just the same as a public school. it all depends on the teachers ad how they  teach. there is nothing better about a private school except that you pay for it... keep her in a public school since it would be easier for you because you don`t have to pay.

  11. If u can afford to send her to a private school then do it ... education is so important ... u don't have to be posh to send your child to a private school ... If i  had the funds then that's where i would have sent my boys :)

    If they are her friends and she goes to school with them there is no reason for her to feel uncomfortable around them ..

    Don't be so negative having money doesn't make you Superior to others :)

  12. Well, I think you should keep her in the Private school. I go to one myself, and my family is actually quite poor. We're a family of 6 on one average income. And my friends know I don't have a lot of money, but I am telling you now, nobody looks down on me. Actually, very few of us are "posh and loaded". : )

    Private schools are fine for your child, and the discipline and education are generally much better. Also, there is far lass chance of teachers going on strikes, etc. Public schools however have worse discipline and from my experience there is a lot more bullying, drugs, etc.

    The only "s****." schools are Independent ones. Private school is definitely the way to go.

  13. public school her happiness is more important than education

  14. I think the fact your daughter was invited to the birthday party tells you it's not going to be an issue. And I'd lay money you'll find that you're far from the only family who isn't loaded with cash.

    Even in a public school, there will always be people with more money than you have - or whose kids have more things just because you don't want to spoil your child. And even in a public school you will get to the stage where your daughter is ashamed of your car and doesn't want to be dropped off in it :)

    Don't let your daughter feel inferior - and, more important, don't feel inferior yourself. We're not all millionaires, and you have one huge thing in common with even the richest parents there. You think your child's education is important enough to spend money on it.

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