
Private school treating me bad?

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Im in a special placement class. I don't learn the same way as everyone. I have an above average IQ. They treat me and everyone the same as me as retards. An example of this is they wouldn't let me take study hall. This year i can only take spanish they wont let me take french. I could probably get in regular class but i wouldn't get as good grades. Should I try for regular classes?




  1. People still vote for democrats, so saying you have an above IQ doesn't mean much.

    Most people with a high IQ teach them selves.

    I think you can do what ever you want to do, just figure out the best way to learn your self.

  2. You should probably talk to your parents about it. Just tell them whats been going on and if you agree that you should try regular classes.

    Then more power to ya.

  3. So the only way you can take french is to go regular classes? You would think with all the money your parents pay they would meet your needs but I wouldnt worry about grades if you are above average IQ ,since any good college will weigh that fact with your grades.

    It doesnt matter. Do what you enjoy. ( which might include switching schools)

  4. listen, despite your "above ave" IQ, it sounds like you have a learning disability in which case you really need to be in special classes. French is harder than Spanish so that makes sense as to why they want you in Spanish.

    with the learning disability that you have, as severe as it is, its normal for you to be treated like a "r****d" - you are one, in a way. If you do not learn like the other kiddos, what do you expect?

    its time for some personal acheivement, dont be so lazy and they wont treat you that way.

    Je doute que vous comprenniez qu'est-ce que j'ai dit.  

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