
Private school vs. public school?

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My son is 4 years old and I'm think about sending him to a private school..




  1. no kidding- private school messed me up. my parents got a divorce and I was the only kid in a (suburban) private school who had an afro and seperated parents. no one knew what I was going through. public school kids are more used to everything so even if your kid has problems, he will be accepted as he is and not judged by private school little stuck-up freaks

  2. I personally prefer private education as I think the child receives a lot more 1 to 1 attention from the teacher.  The classes are smaller and the standard seems to be higher.  I was taught in both and I would definitely say that my intention to teach came from my very early years at school, when I was privately educated.

  3. who knows..... frankly a vairety of things must be taken into consideration.... first of all, your child..... next is, looking into your school systems, each one. Private schools have their positives, and public schools have their positives. You have to examine both and then choose whats best. In some areas the pubibc schools aren't great, and i strongly reccomend private schools, in other areas they're pretty close, and i could go either way..

    A plus of lots of private schools though is that you get to know the kids, teachers, and parents better because usually they are smaller

  4. In my area, the only differance between public and private school is the price of admission and the kids who went to private school seem to be a little "snobbier" than thoes who went to public school... teacher of the year of 1996 was from a public school here in my town!

  5. Depending on where you live the public schools may be as good as the privae ones.  You should look into both.  Visit the schools in the area and see what they offer.

  6. Public-- he can grow up in a totally diverse environment and be exposed to all different types of children, not just the ones who can afford to go to private school.

  7. I think sending your child to a private preschool is a great choice. Private preschools tend to cater more to the parents as opposed to public preschools. Parents have a little more input in terms of food, parties, and ideas for fieldtrips. Also, depending on the private preschool that your child is sent to, many private programs offer private ballet lessons, piano, and other great activities with classmates. Finally, private preschool class size of 12 children is generally smaller compared to public school classes of 24 children.

  8. public education is great, not that i am knocking private schools, but i definately support the public school system.  i have a lot of friends, some who went to private, most who went to public, and the difference in eductational value is non existent in most cases.  yes, private schools usually offer smaller classes, which means a higher teacher/student ratio than public, but in most cases this doesn't affect the child unless he or she is a slow learner and requires more one-on-one time.  my advice, hold off on private school until 2nd or 3rd grade, then check it out if he seems to need more individual attention.

  9. In order to make a decision you have to factor in the quality and reputation of your local public school versus the reputation and cost of the private school. My daughter has attended a private school for the last five years and the cost has been astronomical. We went this route because the local public schools in our district have not succeeded in the "leave no child behind" legislation. Our town is notorious for its bad public schools. Although my daugther has thrived at private school it has been a financial hardship. Having attended both private and public schools in my life, it was always my desire to have my daughter attend both as well. Now that we started the private school route so early it appears that she will continue on this path. My advice is to check the local public schools out and do a financial analysis. It may be possible to do public school for the early years then do private later.

  10. I was raised in public school up to my 9th grade year.  It was fine.  I feel like I received more one on one at the private school that I went to.  The reason being, less students, my graduating class only had approx. 15-20 graduates.  It also depends on what you are looking for.  One on One, Bible based, Education based, etc.  I have had my 3 yr. old in a Christian Preschool (school, not a daycare center) since she turned two.  I have 2 other children that went to a daycare center that they called  a preschool.  The 3 yr. old is WAY smarter at 3 than the other 2 were at 3yrs. old.  My newest addition will also go to the same Christian preschool when he gets 2 yrs. old.  They have it all, education, one on one, Bible teaching, etc.    Visit the schools you are interested in see for yourself.So I hope this is helpful.

  11. I'd choose public school. The student would have more experience in life if they go to public school. Plus there are more people to meet than private school. There would be more people to connect with then in private school. In each public school class there is around 30 compared to the 10 in private school. However, private school means that the teacher will give more attention to each student. Private schools also have uniforms. Private schools are also known to be safer tham public schools. If you are British private school equals public school and vice versa. :) I hope I helped somewhat. Especially since I'm 13! :) (with experience)

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