
Private vs. Public School?

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Ok, I went to public school and got all high A's. Then I switched to a hard $25,000 school in all honors classes and got B+'s. Will this hurt my college addmissions?




  1. Not for most schools. Look at the schools you're interested in.

    (I got in, with just above a B average -- though that was decades ago.)

    It also depends on your test scores.

    They'll probably take into account it's a harder school, and that you were in all honors classes.

  2. I doubt it. What were your ACT and SAT scores?

  3. It shouldn't have any effect on your admissions especially if you have a strong transcript.  How were your SAT scores?  That has a major impact on your acceptance.

  4. Yes, consider barbers college

  5. It would probably look great. Private schools dont have as many students as public so therefore theres more attention for one particular student. The private school sits down and examine your weaknesses and strengths. They try to improve your weaknesses so naturally at first you're not going to perform the same as you did in public school.

  6. no thy go by act,sat test

  7. Since you have shifted from a generalized course to a honors course, it is quiet natural that your grades gets affected. But if you work hard I'm sure you will make up. Also, being in a private school offers you advantage of attention given by the teacher. Your teacher will help you in securing better grades and overcoming your weakness. To learn more about private school:

    Your college admissions depends on SAT scores.

  8. If you are applying to colleges in your region, the admissions counselors probably already know that it is harder to get an A at your school.  If they don't they will probably be more concerned with your class rank.  Has that changed?  Of course, they will also look at your ACT/SAT scores and activities.

    Keep in mind that the ultimate goal is to learn, not to get good grades.  I am guessing that you are learning more at your current school.  In the long run this will help you get through college, and your future career.

    Your question reminds me of an open house we attended with my son at Marquette University.  The head of admissions said:

    "Many people ask us, 'Is it better to take an honors class and get a lower grade or to take an easy class and get an A?'  The answer, of course, is that it is better to take an honors course and get an A."

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