
Privilages that 15 year olds should have please help!!!!?

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ok on july 22 im turning 15 and ive been waiting for this for a long time because my mom doesnt let me do any thing so if you guys can make a list of things that I should be able to do maybe i could run it by her so thank you very much




  1. How about focus on school and helping your mother around the house..

  2. It all depends on you and your mother. Maybe she'll be a little lenient, maybe she won't. However, there really aren't things you're entitled to when you turn 15. When you turn 16, you're given the power to drop out of school (though not recommended) and when you turn 18, you're a legal adult. But really, 15 isn't anything too special. Just be on your best behavious and maybe mother will give you a few more privledges.

  3. 1. Going to places like the movies or mall, without a parent, with a group of friends.

    2. Going to dances with boys, but not dating per se.

    3. Staying out till town curfew.

    4. Having a cell phone, if it's affordable.

  4. depends on what kind of kid you are.

    you dont GET privilages just for being a certain age. you have to EARN them. thats what a privilage is. something that you arent entitled to but its a reward

  5. 1.  Go to the mall with your girlfriends.

    2.  Go to the movies with your girlfriends.

    3.  Babysit.

    4.  Stay out until 2 a.m.

    5.  Do whatever chores your parents tell you to do.

    6.  Have a sleep over with some girlfriends.

    7.  Get your hair highlighted.

    8.  Get a pet (if you don't already have one).

    9.  Cook your Mom a nice dinner.

    10. Drive the family car (supervised by an adult).

    11. Have a birthday dinner.

    12.  Play the Wii.

  6. Dress your self.

    Use the toilet.

    Make your own bed.

    Wash the dishes.

    Make simple meals.

    Vacuum the carpets.

    Mop the floors.

    Scrub the baseboards.

    Dust the furniture.

    Do the laundry.

    Clean the bathrooms.

    Mow the lawn.

    Rake the leaves.

    Shovel the snow.

    Do you need more things to do?  At 15 you are also old enough to get a job and pay for your own cell phone, clothes, food, and maybe even the utilities.

    Or maybe just enjoy being young for a while longer and not worry about what you get to do when you get older!


  8. im 15 ...since april

    my parents let me do stuff with friends like go to the mall && movies or watever. i always have to call and check in like every hour tho but i don tblame them cuz its a crazy world.!

    i have a boyfriend that ive been with for almost a year and a half and they let me go to his house when his parents are there and they let hi come over when an adult is here but my mom will let me go to the mall with just him not really the movies cuz you know lol. but my dad says we cant go anywhere alone but my mom lets me!

    uhm the person that said wear make up...i think that its ok to wear  LIL bit of make up when your like 13 but when your 15 you should be able to !

  9. Unfortunately, privileges are just that, and until you're an adult, your mom decides what they are. Sorry, it's just the way it goes.

    You could suggest a few things like later curfews, or dating, or Saturday nights with friends, but it ends up being in her hands.

  10. well it depends on what you are allowed to do now...

  11. Yeah. Depends on the parents. Some 15 year olds run rampant because the parents don't care. Some 15 year olds can't even answer the phone because the parents are really weird. It really depends on the parents.

    BTW, being 15 isn't that amazing. It's just a number after 14. At least, that's what it feels like.

  12. well in 6 months you could start drivers training...


    phone if you don't have one yet

    PARTIES... boy/girl no drinking


  13. The point of a privilege is that you show responsibility for it. You have to show her you're responsible, and good things will come. There is no set privledge for a 15 year old either, sorry.

  14. well every mother is different in the way that they parent their child, it depends on the type of kid you are (whether you are trustworthy or not) and it depends on the type of friends you have and the neighborhood you live in, there are all kinds of things to consider besides your age on what you should be allowed to do and really that is ultimately up to your parents.  at 15 not much changed for me...i finally got my own phone in my bedroom and my own television but that's about all!  good luck!

  15. When i was 5 or 6 years old my mother said that i could have a dirt bike when i was fifteen years old. My mother thought that wouldn't remember her saying it to me when i was older. However i remember everything that happens to me. So when i was 15, she said " what the h**l are you talking about your i didn't say you could have a dirt bike" . Then i felt  like slapping her.

  16. It's really hard to answer this question because I don't know anything about you. There aren't really any set privileges that every 15 year old should get. It depends entirely on the maturity level of the individual.

    If you wanted to tell us a bit about what privileges you have now, along with your responsibilities, and some things that you think you should be allowed to do, I would be happy to give my opinion.

    I'm still pretty young, so I remember what I was allowed to do at that age, and what my friends were allowed to do, so hopefully I can give a different perspective.

    Congratulations on your upcoming birthday.

  17. You should have the privileges of:

    doing your homework

    doing the dishes

    keeping your room clean

    cleaning up after meals

    cooking meals on occasion

    cleaning the bathrooms

    babysitting any young siblings

    mowing the lawn

    taking care of any pets

    vacuuming the rugs and carpets

    All of these should be done without being asked, of course.

    and then in return, (once the first list is done) maybe some of these:

    having friends over on weekends

    going to a movie with a friend

    spending the night at a friend's house

    having a friend spend the night

    going shopping with a parent for a new item of clothing, with mom/dad picking up the tab

    getting a job

    getting a ride to/from work if it's too far to ride your bike

  18. It really depends on you. Why don't you come up with a list of what you want first and then ask if you think it's reasonable?

  19. Talk on the phone-maybe have a cell phone of your own.

    Go places with friends-dropped off at the mall or movies.

    Computer access/internet access.

    Electonic use-tv, Ipods, etc.

    However with privilages comes responsibility and trust.  So a 15 year should be allowed to do more things but also should help out around the house without being asked.

  20. it's too general for me to think of anything. make up maybe.

    and group dates. my parents would let me go to the movies and things at this age.

  21. going to dances w/ boy

    somewhat later curfew

    go to movies w/ friends

    going shopping with friends

    You should wait another year before you start one on one dating.  At least that is what I think.

    Helping with chores without being asked will help to show how responsible you are.  Continue to do it even after you get more privileges if you do.

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