
Prize Rebel?????????

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OK. I am trying to sign up for prize rebel. When I type everything in and click "Sign Up" it will say

"Error: You already have an account or Someone has already signed up from your location."

I have made an account on a DIFFERENT computer on a different network. But when I sign up at my house I make a slightly different name.

How can I get this to work?




  1. Prize Rebel is a threat to your personal identity. It will use your information to mail you junk, telephone you innecessarily, and put your social security number for sale in foreign countries.

    Please don't sign up. I have a cousin, victim of indentity theft, that is suffering from this site!

  2. as bob said just unplug your cable or dsl modem and plug it back in. this will allow you to sign up. hope this helped.
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