
Pro's and Con's of Living in London?

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I am Scottish and I have been offered a place on a Post-Graduate course in London starting October 2009. It is full time and would last 2 years. I will be 32 by the time the course starts.

I am a little aprehensive about moving to London as I am wary of the expense, the pollution and all the people. I have some friends there but would like an objective view on what it's like to live in London as a mature graduate student, just how expensive is it?

Any pro's and con's to living in London would be great!




  1. I'm a mature grad student in London this year!

    I find it very expensive.   Meat is outrageously priced.  

    The pollution is also quite bad.   There's so much road construction.  The tube is dirty.   And, there are just too many people everywhere.  I just want to shove people out of the way at times (of course it's summer at the moment and the place is full of tourists).

    On the flip side, it's not as grey and rainy as people say it is.  And, apart from the dirtiness, the Tube is amazing for getting around.   It's very efficient and relatively affordable (in London terms) with an Oyster card.   There's always lots to do and many student discounts at shows and music concerts.   I've enjoyed my year here, but I'm definitely ready to leave.

  2. I have lived in london for 5 years now and find the pro's definately outweigh the cons.


    * Exciting and different people to meet

    * Good nightlife

    * There are lots of things to do for free if you are a bit skint

    * Variety of life

    * I have never known the pollution to be a problem (or maybe i am used to it)


    * More expensive to live (but wages and student loans are London weighted so this can be overcome - also if you budget you should not have a problem)


  3. I found food to be the most expensive aspect of living in London.  The Iceland grocery store is extremely cheap but I don't know about the quality of goods there, most of the stuff is a pound or two.  Eating out is atrocious but you won't be doing that every day.  Also, see if your school has a meal plan (if you prefer cafeteria food).

    I don't think the Tube is dirty at all, I'm from NY and the subway is WAY dirtier.  It's extremely efficient and cost effective and goes everywhere- a monthly pass will give you access to the buses as well.

    Depending on your program of study, any capital city is worth living in because it gives you access to hundreds of reputable resources you will need for research and internships.  These will provide vital contacts and present good opportunities for lucrative careers.  You are lucky to have been accepted into a program which is probably competitive and if for one reason to move, this should be it.

    Plus there is always something to do at any time of day.  The pubs close at 11, but you probably already knew that and aren't an alcoholic like us Americans :)  Yes, there are lots of people, but friends are easy to make.  I didn't have a problem with the pollution but I am used to all that.  I think flats are expensive to rent but there are many flat shares available for decent prices if you look outside the city center.

    Good luck!  I know I wrote a lot but I adore this place and hope to move there some day as well.

  4. Pro's

    - Lots of things to do

    -Lots of shops


    -High rate of people getting stabbed

    -Everything is expensive

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