
Pro & Amature ???

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Pro player -Amature player Whats the diff




  1. well, apparently after a little DreSearch, I'm assuming that Amateurs do it for fun...for love of the game, trophies & your name..........Professionals also have love for the game, but are all about the moolah...professionals get paid for the time & effort :)...Like the difference between College & Pro football....the college teams are Amateurs...the NFL are pro... :P........................DreO

  2. In short, a professional is aware of everything that could affect their game; the playing equipment, the temperature, humidity, any possible distractions, how they are feeling at the time (nerves, illness, fatigue), the competition, etc., and then adjust their game accordingly.  The amateur player uses these things as an excuse for playing poorly.  It's more of a question of discipline and adaptability than of talent.  I'm sure there are some highly talented amateur players out there who would lose regularly to a less skilled professional who was more disciplined.  M.D.-BCA Instructor/Referee.

    P.S. To Eightbraker: sometimes Yahoo defaults to another one of my profiles.  I used to be a firefighter, so I used that in one of my other usernames.

  3. To me a true professional is someone that makes their living playing pool. Road players , ranked pros or whatever, if that is how you make all of your income then I consider you a pro. If you play on the side , for money, and you have another job that you have to do in order to get by then I wouldn't call you a pro. The biggest difference between a pro and an amatuer may be the consistency of quality play. Of course this is just a matter of opinion but I think a true pro, even on a bad day, can consistently beat most amatuers. I may be wrong but thats my story and I'm stickin' to it.

  4. Well, the APA classifies a professional as some who derives a substantial portion of their income from playing pool. That would include tournament players, big money players, road players, and instructors. I wouldn't necessarily call someone who plays $100 (or more) a set a pro, but the APA would.

    I guess the qualifying statement would be whether or not you're living off your pool winnings. If you're entering pro level open tournaments all the time, but you never win and are either losing money or breaking even, you're not really a pro. But as soon as you place in a big pro tournament, you're a pro. That's my interpretation, anyway.

  5. I'll explain it this's just like the difference in a smart man and a wise man <or woman to not offend> A smart man learns from his mistakes...a wise man learns from others mistakes. To define deeper the Pro has pretty much made every possible mistake and learned the not to's already yet still sees things others do and knows to deam them worthy to avoid.
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