
Pro Bowling: A Very Interesting Sport

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Pro Bowling: A Very Interesting Sport

Pro Bowling is a very interesting sport. It has a very long and glorious history and is a very popular sport all around the world. With bowling championships held all over the place, the sport has also become a favourite past time amongst amateur bowlers along with professionals. Bowling alleys have been set up where the inexperienced to the pros can all enjoy a game and contests are hosted on a regular basis. The future looks very bright for this sport as it becomes more and more popular.

Bowling has a very colourful history. The earliest recorded history of the game was found in ancient Egyptian tombs. Mummies were found buried with pins and balls to knock them down with in their tombs. The modern form of the game though probably originated from an old German religious ceremony. A ritual started in German churches which had a person place a wooden mallet on the ground so it stood up and then try to knock it down with a rock. If the person was able to knock it down he or she was said to be absolved of sin. If only sins could be erased that easily. The game then grew and changed over the years and was brought to America by German immigrants. It was in America that the game really took off and become popularised amongst the working class.

Over the years many interesting things have happened in the world of bowling. One of the most interesting has to be the fact that for the first time in the sport's history a woman won the top prize at a men's competition. Now there is really nothing stopping a woman competing against a man in the sport. Bowling is basically sliding a ball down a lane to try and knock down ten pins at the end. It requires no great strength or physical ability but what it does require is precision and skill and the ability to knock down pins consistently. Now if a man or a woman does the knocking down it does not matter. The intrepid woman that helped to break through the gender barrier in the sport was a great bowler named Kelly Kulick. Early this year she managed to win the men's 45th Tournament of Champions in the US and become the first woman ever to do so in the sport.

The ball used in bowling is a very interesting invention indeed. The balls come in many different sizes and weights and a lot of different colours. It is not uncommon to see multi coloured balls during a game. The latest types of bowling balls that are used are called asymmetrical bowling balls. The interesting aspect to these balls is the fact that the inner core of each ball is uneven and so the ball has an uneven weight distribution. This can cause the ball to swerve and drift along the lane much more easily than a ball that has even weight distribution in its core. These balls have not been universally popular and they have caused some concern among older bowlers who think they take away from the skill of the bowler by helping them too much. No matter what type of ball is used the fact remains that bowlers can get the ball to swing and curve wildly using their own skills is testament to how good they are.

Over the years bowling has changed and been adapted to fit the needs and requirements of changing times but one thing has stayed the same. The way the game is scored and how a perfect game can be thrown. The perfect game in bowling is called the 900 and it has only happened 8 times in recorded history in America. Basically a 900 means playing three consecutive games of bowling and throwing a strike in every frame. That is 36 consecutive strikes, and it is almost unheard of in the world of bowling. The person that threw the eighth 900 game was a man named Lonnie Billiter Jr. He managed to bowl strike after strike until he had reached the magical 900 score and he made a place for himself in the bowling history books.

Even though the game has changed from its ancient Egyptian roots, it still maintains the flavour and excitement that people probably felt in olden days when rocks were bowled at sticks. Today's game has become a very popular sport that is played around the world and it will just keep on getting bigger and more popular as time goes by.



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