
Pro Choice?

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Someone asked a question earlier and it got me thinking. I don't mean to be controversial, I'm just curious.

What's yours?

I think most people who are poor are pro-choice. People who were brought up in a household that has enough money to support another mouth are pro-life. So my question is 3 part:

GROWING UP were you...

1. Poor or comfortable

2. Single parent or both

3. Ever had a family member who was raped and became pregnant. (or similar situation)

Me-poor, single parent. 2 family members raped (They both had the kids, ruined their lives). Always wonder what could have been.

I'm pro-choice.




  1. 1. Comfortable

    2. both parents, still married 35 years this year.

    3. Nope

    And on top of all of that, I am a Christian.

    I'm pro-choice.

  2. 1. Comfortable

    2. They divorced when I was 11.

    3. No.

    I'm pro-life, excluding circumstances such as rape, or if the child / mother's life or health is in danger. Not if they're just promiscuous and "not ready for a child." That's no excuse to kill someone.

  3. pro choice.

    comfy.  parents were married, still are.  not that i know of.

    why would you assume that poor people are pro choice?  logically, a poor person couldn't afford an abortion.  i think poor people are the ones littering the population, with their teenagers having children.  rich people have a standard to live up to and would get their daughter to an abortion clinic just to salvage their name.  who wants a teenage pregnancy hanging around a good name?

    it's not how i feel about it, it's how i think some people might feel.

  4. if more poor woman think abortion is ok , then WHY do more woman that are poor keep having children..  

    people are pro choice because they are pro choice NOT cause they have money or not..

    you might think that cause people with money can afford it they would be more ok with abortion...yes?

    what is similar to rape..?

  5. I disagree. Usually, the higher the level of education, the more likely a person is to be pro-choice. I worked in academia- I was teaching while I was getting my PhD , and almost all of my colleagues and classmates were vehemently pro-choice. It's not about feeding another mouth, it's about bodily integrity and respect for women.

    1. comfortable. I grew up in an affluent Jewish neighborhood

    2.both parents

    3. my aunt got pregnant when she was very young. It was consensual, but both her and her boyfriend were 17.

    She turned out OK- she finished medical school couple years later  and my cousin (the unplanned baby) now has an MBA. However, my aunt always resented her daughter and my cousin had to go through years of therapy.

    I'm very pro-choice.

  6. I'm pro choice and in answers to your questions

    1. comfortable

    2. single parent

    3. not a family member, but a close family friend. Yes she did keep it. her son is now 18 and means the world to her
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