
Pro Life Folks, do you eat eggs?

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Pro Life Folks, do you eat eggs?




  1. Yes, I do. And not all eggs are fertilized.

    Wonderfully put Colonel Reb.

  2. yes im a killer i confess its my choice

  3. Chickens are not anywhere near the same as humans. If a fertilized chicken egg had the potential to grow into a human being, I would hesitate before making an omelette.

    I eat eggs, chickens, goats and lamb. I'd kill'em myself too if there was a restaurant that offered.

    Abortion is killing but I'm Pro-Choice.

  4. Using your logic, if a person eats a chicken meat then it should have no problem eating human meat.

  5. Yes I do, animals are made for eating, but humans aren't... that is an ignorant comparrison... do you eat humans?

  6. oh my gosh, do you really have that poor an understanding of what prolife people stand for?

  7. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!  What a GREAT question!!  Do they also eat beef??  Chicken??  Veal??  AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!  I don't try usually to eat be perfectly honest.  I have texture issues and eggs are bad for texture.  Forget eating the slime!  ACK!!  Im gonna go vomit now.  Good day

  8. I only use them to cook with. And I like to throw them at stuff. . I eat Elk and deer brains, though. They're good. Guess that makes me Hannibal Lector.

    Anyway, Rebel already nailed it. This is a really stupid question. Unless you're joking.

    But I'd never support the abortion of one of my own kids. But as I've said before, I don't give a rat's @ss if other people want to waste theirs. World's crowded enough as it is, and it's probably better off without the offspring of people that would do it.

  9. For the Rebel:  I think most people have the mentality of the argument stands for me  :)

  10. What do they care? Pro-life folks don't consider chickens as important as humans, for some weird reason.

  11. Pro choice...eggs are gross.  This arguement is really weak..try again!

  12. No I don't actually.  And what does it matter?  I eat full-grown chickens.  

    Do you eat full-grown chickens?  If eggs are the same as fetuses, then chickens have to be the same as adult humans.  Somehow I'll bet many pro-choicers eat chickens.

    This argument was screwed up from the start.

    h**l's Own Harlot- Well, maybe you have a point there.

  13. What if they do?  Are you suggesting that there is no difference between human life and animal life?  You really see any difference between human beings and chickens?  You must know some very peculair people.

  14. Thanks for being today's example of how smug liberals also tend to have problems with logic.

  15. This argument always gives me a good laugh.

  16. Ya lets put chickens and humans life on the same stage.

    Ya that's quite the rocket scientist that would do that.

    What if we eat seeded watermelon?

  17. h**l yeah......

  18. Not fertile ones.

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