
Pro Life Persons If I Were Pregnant Would You Pay Me to Not Get and Abortion?

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Pro Life Persons If I Were Pregnant Would You Pay Me to Not Get and Abortion?




  1. no, now go away!

  2. Um no. While I think you should choose to have your baby why would I pay for you to not get an abortion? Sounds like you will just probably kill your baby after it's born then while you are counting your bills.

  3. Can we pay you to go away?

  4. personally, I wouldn't, but I would help you find adoptive parents who would pay for your pregnancy

  5. No, I'd teach you about the birds and the bees. Then I'd tell you that if you didn't want to get pregnant then you shouldn't have had unprotected s*x. Then I'd say you made your choice now you need to take responsibility for your actions and the new life you created.

  6. Our tax dollars pay women every day not to get abortions. It's called welfare.

  7. Don't you have any "intelligent" questions to ask?

    If someone is pro-life don't harras them about it. XC

  8. I'm with Tracey, if I pay you, will you PLEASE go away! PLEASE! With cherries on top.

    If you want an abortion so bad then by all means, go get one. At least the world will be one less annoying idiot like yourself.

  9. Hey- if you're done here, go over to the "Pregnancy" board or the "Religion" board- they'll have a field day with your questions.

  10. You seem really messed up, so we would pay NOT to have s*x with you in the first place.

  11. Am passing the tin around now for donations just to inspire you to call someone who cares, never mind paying you not to have an abortion.

  12. No. If you are pro-abortion I don't really think you should be reproducing, anyway.

  13. I think you have mental problems. It seems you are obsessed with asking anti-pro-life questions. You don't see the pro-life people asking trollish questions just to get a raise out of pro-choice people. Why don't you cut it out. You are only making your self look stupid and no one is getting aggravated because we all know you ask these kinda questions all the time and we know your agenda which is to p**s people off.

  14. you're seriously troubled.

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