
Pro-Life people is there any reason you would make an exception?

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Pro choice people what do you see as your personal valid reasons for Abortion?




  1. It's really difficult to be black and white on abortion, there are so many gray areas. I don't think anyone can say that abortion is always wrong, but equally I don't believe that a woman should have an abortion "because she wants one, no questions asked."

    I personally believe life begins at conception and I don't agree with taking life at any stage of development. But I think abortion should be available for medical cases where the mother's life is in danger, and I understand that there are rape or mental health cases where pregnancy may really harm the mother.

    It should be a last resort, not an encouraged option.

  2. In case of rape, in case the unborn baby has been diagnosed with some mental illness or if the pregnancy puts the mother's life at risk.

    Still I believe that women should be allowed to make this step no matter the reason. It is the women' s right to control their own body and their own life.

    I respect the people who militate for the rights of the unborn child. Still history has proven that taking this right from women won¡t do any better neither to the baby no to his mother.

  3. I'm generally pro-choice. Although, I don't think people should have abortions unless they absolutely need to. Examples of when it would be okay are: girl is raped, under 18...

  4. If the mother's life were in danger or if the fetus had a 100 percent chance of having something horribly wrong with it and it'd have to suffer the rest of its life if I had the child.

    Take, for example, you have a baby born with a serious mental defect and its a vegetable the rest of its life. To me, that's just cruel and inhumane to let that child live, because that child is not really living.

    But it'll take years until we get technology that can detect that 100percent. Doctors have been known to be horribly wrong when it comes to the mental state of an unborn child.

    EDIT: I don't agree that you should get an abortion of you're raped. Yes, it's unfair, but imagine if you were a rape baby. Wouldn't you be grateful that your mother had you rather than aborted you? You can give the child up for adoption. Children shouldn't have to be punished because some horny man decided to take advantage of a woman and seed her fertile loins.

    EDIT2: I AM a rape baby, thank you very much. My mother and I get along perfectly fine.

  5. I'm actually pro-choice, but I believe that until we give out free birth control on the street corners and everyone down to the youngest child knows how to take daily pills and put on a condom, safe abortions should be a valid option that women do not have to fight for.

    As for rape babies, I had a buddy in high school who was a rape baby. His mom tried to raise him, tried to love him, but every time she looked at him, she was reminded of the rape and her rapist. You can imagine what a bad emotional state this was for her. They were not close with each other.

    Also, I have to say...the sentence 'Children shouldn't have to be punished because some horny man decided to take advantage of a woman and seed her fertile loins' is extremely creepy to me. So the woman - excuse me, 'fertile loin carrier' - was taken advantage of by a rapist - excuse me, 'horny man', and therefore she should be forced to carry that man's child within her for 8 mos? *shivers* UGH.

  6. Well, my opinion on abortion changes as the pregnancy goes on. Like, during the first trimester I'm pro-choice(not pro-abortion) because the fetus hasn't really developed yet. But after the first trimester I am pro-life. After the first trimester if the pregnancy is threatening the mothers life or the fetus will have a very serious disease where it will die or be severely crippled I suppose abortion should be an option, but those should be the ONLY reasons a late term abortion can be performed. As for abortion during the first trimester, I never plan on having an abortion myself, but I also understand that it's a choice. I do feel sorry for all babies who are aborted though, and I really think people should look at other options before getting an abortion.

  7. 1. Severe traumatized rape

    2. both lives are in danger.

  8. Only in the case of the mother or child dying and it comes down to the choice of which person lives. Killing a child because of rape is not right.

    We don't give the electric chair to bad drivers because it is wrong to do so. Killing an infant because it's father alegedly raped it's mother is just not justifiable.

    And it just goes to show that women tend to put their own feelings ahead of others well being.

  9. Abortion should only be used if going through the pregnancy has an extremely high chance of killing the mother.  Rape is a tricky one, and I could sympathize with a woman who wants to have an abortion then, but I don't think it's right to punish the baby.  Having an abortion just because the child is likely to have birth defects is just sick eugenics.  

  10. typically most people are are against it are until they have a unplanned pregnancy and arent ready then they have second thoughts on it. they are against it when it comes to other people but not themselves. i do not have a opinion on abortion because its such a huge topic that has many grey areas good question though!  

  11. i think in the case of rape or incest there might be an exception other wise i am against abortion.

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