
Pro Life people who use/support the use of Birth Control pills.

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Pro-life people believe that life begins at the moment of conception.

Basic biology. Cell division. There are scientific terms for each stage of that new life, however, that is a life.

How do you justify being pro-life, but support the use of birth control pills that are essentially abortificants? The hormones in the Pill can sometimes affect the lining of the uterus, making it difficult for an egg to attach to the wall of the uterus.

When the "egg" (actually, the zygote) is wanting to attach itself to the wall of the uterus, it has already been a human person for three to five days.

Fertilization happens in the fallopian tube - not in the uterus. After fertilization, the zygote purposefully and independently (because at this point, it is a living being with independent movement) travels down the fallopian tube (a process that takes a few days) and attempts to attach to the uterine wall, to get food.

If it fails to do so, it starves to death.




  1. this happens most of the time anyway, even if you don't use the pill

  2. This is all part of the information that people like me must take into consideration.

    I have never been on the pill because of the harm I think it does to my body.  And then later on I began to understand the ramifications of the pill and that some are abortive, as are the old type of coils.  There is a new one that I think contains something that stops egg movement.

    I think that if we are to think about this and be true to our convictions then we really need to look at the problem no matter how hard it is on convenience.

  3. aha! smarty

    see I'm pro choice and never understood those that were against abortion, yet took birth control...doesn't make any sense

  4. I don't beleive in abortion but choose to use birth control because my husband and I are not ready for children. Though we have been married for six years, we choose to wait. We don't want to have fifteen children and end up on welfare because we were not responsible enough to use birth control. Not all birth control is an abortificant.  

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