
Pro-Lifers: Are you an advocate for education programs on and easier accessibility to... contraception?

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I would think that if one did not think that abortion was a valid choice, that they would be a great supporter of these types of programs.

Proper education on contraception paired with easier accessibility could possibly prevent a woman from needing to make the choice to terminate a pregnancy.

I thought that's what Pro-Lifers were striving for.

I've noticed that many Pro-Lifers that I've encountered impose their moral values on others, or preach "Abstinence Only" education, neither of which is terribly realistic in practice. Few seem to be concerned with preventative methods.

I don't want to generalize, of course. I am staunchly Pro-Choice, but I found this to be an odd observation.

Your thoughts?




  1. I only wanted to say that it annoys me when people refer to "pro-abortion."

    Sorry. Just had to get it off my chest.

  2. Job 10:10 You guided my conception and formed me in the womb.

    Psa 71:6 Yes, you have been with me from birth; from my mother's womb you have cared for me. No wonder I am always praising you!  

    Psa 139:13 You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother's womb.

    Psa 139:15 You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion, as I was woven together in the dark of the womb.  

    Ecc 11:5 God's ways are as hard to discern as the pathways of the wind, and as mysterious as a tiny baby being formed in a mother's womb.  

    Isa 49:1 Listen to me, all of you in far-off lands! The LORD called me before my birth; from within the womb he called me by name.


    God knits us together in our mother's womb, what do you think he thinks about women who kill his children?


    s*x is only for a man and his wife, anything else is sin.  

  3. I believe that life begins at conception.  Because of this, I cannot support methods of "birth-control" that avoid pregnancy by any method that causes abortions.  Hormonal methods of contraception act in 2 ways, one by preventing ovulation and the other by preventing implantation of a embryo.  I do support education that includes this information.

  4. I would fully support easier access to contraception. I do think abstinence is best but who are we kidding? People like s*x, they get urges for it that can be overwhelming at times. Abstinence is something of a joke when your realy in the mood. Contraception is a good thing to have in those situations. There is plenty out there, BC, condoms, spermicide lubricants, ect.

    Once upon a time I had mixed thoughts on abortion til I educated myself on fetal development and abortion procedures (which made me cry and almost throw-up) and have chosen pro-life. Granted there are certian situations like ectopic pregnancy or rape and (ADDED) someone who is physicaly not capable of handling a pregnancy (9-15 or 16yr old girls)

  5. I am completly pro life. I am anti-war anti-death, penalty and anti-abortion. Its wrong to kill babies the only ways to avoid it are abstinence... that is not likely to catch on, and contraception. I personally think that we need contraception to stop unwanted pregnancies. That way nobody is murdered

  6. While I am pro life, I absolutely agree that the best idea is better s*x education and easier accessibility to contraceptives.

    Although, I don't think women who were raped should carry the child to term. It can play havoc with the mental damage thet was inflicted.

  7. I'm pro choice and an advocate for rape victims, I kind of have to agree with you.  It's been my experience that the pro lifers do not disagree with the death penalty, a few whack jobs have even performed that duty, and they seem to be dead set against welfare, and any other program that uses tax dollars to help under privileged kids.

  8. There are SOME who find it easier just to call people a w***e and get righteous about it.

    There does need to be more preventative measures used to prevent over population and the spread of diseases. Unfortunately many religions are getting in the way of progress on this issue.

  9. Absolutely!

    Contraception is definitely the answer.

    Although some may say it promotes having s*x at a young age, there are a whole lot more positive things about it.

  10. I do support children being taught about safer s*x practices as well as abstinence. As long as they don't call it safe s*x because it's not,and teaching children that a condom is like fort knox is promoting a false sense of security,that may not prepare the child for the consequences of s*x i.e. -preg.,and stds.

  11. I attentd a catholic school, and they havn't stated it, but i believe that they want you to grow up catholic, get married and then have a herd of children that the parents will force the religion on. Thus making more catholics, making the church survive.

    They don't want you having abortions or contraception because that would stop you from making catholics. Making the church suffer.

    That may seem like im paranoid in thinking they have a plan like that, but thats just my opinion.

  12. I think the education system should cover contraceptives and abstinence.

    Teach the kids the only way to be 100% sure about STD's and pregnancy is to practice abstinance.  But then also say something along the lines of "For those of you that aren't going to practice abstinence, and for those that will until marriage, you'll possibly need this information then, here is how condoms and contraceptive's work."

    The only faith's I can see having a leg to stand on with being pro-life and anti-s*x eduction in school would be those that have doctrines that are against abortion and birth control (such as Catholics).

    I mean, c'mon, even Iran has a s*x education program that covers contraception for their youth.  How can we do any less?  (Yes, I was stunned to learn that back when I was taking Human Sexuality at UFL, before I transferred to BYU.)


    I have daughters and am not about to rely on the school system on this subject.  My oldest is eight.  We have had the puberty talk about how her body is going to start changing soon and what that will entail.  She's not quite old enough for the s*x talk yet - but at about 12, I plan on having the discussion with her about s*x, how tempting it is and why she should wait until marriage.  I won't have a contraceptive talk with her unless I suspect she is having s*x.  If she ends up pregnant under 18, I won't allow an abortion (if she gets one against my wishes, she's declared herself an adult and is out of the house.  This may seem harsh, but if you decide to have an abortion, there are consequences. I'll still love her, but I will not allow her to bring that into my home with her younger sisters.)  Depending on her age, we will discuss adoption (my preference), raising the child on her own, and marriage.


    Just to clarify - I do believe abortion is an option in cases of endangerment to the mother, rape and incest.

  13. I'm atheist and pro life to the point I would never abort any child of mine (I would try to talk the mother out of it as best I could if she was considering).  But if other people want to kill THEIR kids, well who am i to say?  Luckily, I haven't had to make that call just yet, because I'm also smart enough to cover up.  

    s*x is what we are here for.  If there were a creator, he must have had one thing on his mind: s*x.  Every creature on earth has some form, even the ones that don't necessarily need it (worms, etc, reproduce asexually, but still get it on anyway).  Other animals have it knowing they will likely die right after (black widow, mantis).  The animals that have the most, do the best.

    Every morning I wake up, my body is ready for some more (yeah, you know what I mean).   Everything luxury you see in the world that goes beyond fulfilling a basic need, was likely formed to impress a member of the opposite s*x, or garner their favor.  People will ignore the threat of a terminal disease to get some booty.  It seems to me, that everything in the world around us points to an opposite conclusion than the bible, namely that s*x is good, positive, and nothing to be ashamed of.  Why would God create a big planet to learn from and deem its lessons invalid?

    So I support all forms of contraception, even if just so we can all go have rampant s*x (we do anyway) without weighing down the health care industry.

    To all those out there waiting for marriage: good luck with that, I would want to test drive a car before I bought it, lest I be stuck with a  lemon.  But I guess you won't know what you're missing anyway.

  14. Speaking as a Christian, the Bible doesn't speak of contraception in any form. I suppose what it boils down to is what the motivation behind the contraception is that determines if it is right or wrong.  If a person uses contraception for purely selfish motives such as having indiscriminant s*x or being a "party animal" etc, then I would say that it was wrong but if it's used in a less selfish way as to delay having children until a more opportune time then I see no problem with it. But then, this is just my opinion. Take it for what it is.  

  15. Catholics do not allow contraception because, as the word states, it is "contra (against) conception".  Contraception impedes the very end of the sexual act--to beget another human.  

    I am staunchly Pro-Life.  This is my single motivation in the upcoming election.  My candidate has voted Pro-Life in several past issues, and this is why McCain will receive my vote.

    How is "Abstinence Only" not a valid option?  As long as people (ie, if you're referring to, teens) promote abstinence as "unrealistic" it will become that to them.  If this had been embraced from the very beginning of the current Culture of Death we would not have to "invent" ways of postponing possible pregnancy, for the Natural Family Planning methods embraced by MANY in the world would suffice.

    I pray that God will grant you serenity and change of heart.

    God Bless.

  16. Clearly contraception is the only logical choice - the problem is that many religions refuse to educate their own children because they think that it's going to start them having s*x.

    If every kid (male and female) was educated properly about s*x at home and allowed to talk about it to whichever parent that they can confide in without making them feel guilty then surely there wouldn't be such ignorance and subsequent unwanted pregnancies.

  17. A christian wouldnt believe in abortion and would not have premarital s*x. Nowadays everyone calls themselves christians and they do whatever they want anyway. It has been proven that abstinence only programs do not work. I am Pro Choice in the stance that I go not want the government making a decision for me.

  18. the school district i was in did teach us more about contraception than abstinence everything we were taught had the subtle undertones of condoms can break and all of that but it wasn't as obvious as i thought it would be  

  19. Well, I'm a pro-lifer... but I'm not a pro-lifer for religious reasons.

    Yes, I do fully support contraception, and easier accessibility.  

    And why is abstinence unrealistic?  I'm not a religious nut, but I believe in having s*x with someone, only after you've gotten to known them after a significant amount of time.  I practice this, too.  If she were to end up pregnant before we were prepared, I would still accept the responsibility of raising the child.  Every action has a consequence, and adults should be prepared to buckle down and accept the consequences.

    Life is not a matter of convenience.

  20. The problem is, most forms of so-called "contraception" do not prevent conception. They prevent implantation of the embryo.  In other words they cause an early abortion.

  21. Not really, since you'd hope people would abstain from irresponsible s*x altogether.

    I agree though, humans are irresponsible, and self-destructive, and will always half-*** everything, so contraception is probably the way to go when dealing with such a dysfunctional species.

  22. Abstinence only programs have been proven time and time and time again to be not only ineffective but down right dangerous. In area where it is taught, STD's and pregnancy is at it's highest.

    When I was taught these things abstinence was STRESSED, but not the only thing taught. Over and over again were told that the only 100% way was abstinence. Period. BUT there were other option were we so inclined.

    I am pro-choice....but barely. I am of the FIRM beliefs that if we made education a priority, then abortion would naturally fall. Abstinece is great...if your religion promotes that. If it doesn't then it's not a real issue. PROTECTION and stressing the reprocussions are though.

  23. I personally believe abortion is wrong in every possible way. I believe it is murder. Is killing your boyfriend because you got pregnant legal? I think not. And I think it's sad that other people don't see it as murder.

    However in this country, we've been given many freedoms, and I reluctantly believe that it is a woman's right to choose to abort. But, for the sake of an answer, I'll take the purely Pro-Life side of this...

    Abstinence Only contraception is 100% effective, some of the time. Plans change when hormones take over. It is not a plausible solution for everybody. So, I think it is important to teach other methods of contraception. However, it is a fine line. There comes a point when contraception education goes from teaching pregnancy avoidance if needed, to the condoning of s*x with anyone at any age. I think that's where many Pro-Lifers get hung up.

    Any mature action has consequences when handled irresponsibly.

    Sleeping around is idiotic; it's very risky, even with man's best friend: the condom. Teaching adolescents that there are many ways of avoiding consequences will often lead them to take actions they may well regret later in life.

    So that's why.

    Personally, I really don't see the need for abortion in almost every case. How about adoption? You spend nine months paying the price for what you did irresponsibly, then you're rid of it forever. You save a life that way. Very special circumstances in which the mother's life is gravely in danger is the only time when I think abortion is acceptable.

    It isn't fair that girls get all the consequences and guys really get none. It takes two to... tango. It's not fair. But that can't be changed.

    s*x is for baby-making. Whether you're theist or atheist, the function of s*x is simply reproduction. Any other reason for it without thought to its intended purpose is pretty stupid.

    I'm done. Hope you like my novel, and I hope I adequately answered your question.  

  24. Pro-choicers: Are you an advocate for education programs on and easier accessibility to... contraception?

    I would think that if one did not think that abortion was a valid choice, that they would be a great supporter of these types of programs.

    Proper education on contraception paired with easier accessibility could possibly prevent a woman from needing to make the choice to terminate a pregnancy.

    I thought that's what Pro-choicers were striving for.

    I've noticed that many Pro-choicers that I've encountered impose their immoral values on others, or preach "Abstinence Only" education, neither of which is terribly realistic in practice. Few seem to be concerned with preventative methods.

    I don't want to generalize, of course. I am staunchly Pro-life, but I found this to be an odd observation.

    Your thoughts?

  25. As a catholic, i would naturally say that the 'abstinence only' program works.

    But then, contraceptives work best.

  26. How can someone claim to be pro choice and yet tell others what they should be doing? Anyone who chooses to disregard their church's stance on abstinence I doubt will have difficulty obtaining contraception. Argument is mute.

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