
Pro and Con arguments of Stem Cell Research?

by Guest57853  |  earlier

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please tell me any pro and con arguments about stem cell research, with a brief explanation explaining yourself. thanks much :)




  1. I would gladly share my opinions, but I believe you should do your own homework.

  2. Southpark made the funniest skit about this


    Could help cure disease, and heal wounds that are unrepairable at this time..


    Could exploit babies.



  3. Pro: Helps People

    Con: Takes lives of potential people. That's POTENTIAL, mind you...and most people can't get over that.

  4. Just for some background, I watched a physics presentation about bio engineering once, and the way that cells work is that you start off with 1 type of cell, but by the time a baby is done developing you need multiple (skin, muscle, bone etc.).  Stem cells are cells that you can grow into tissue or muscle or bone by changing what they are growing on (extracellular matrix).  So by growing them on something firm, they turn into bone, but on a soft surface they'd turn into tissue.  

    I believe that this year, they were able to make stem cells out of something that was not as controversial.  

    I know stem cells is a religious controversy, but I'm curious what biblical text actually forbids it.  If you were giving a debate, and you didn't provide that I think you would for sure lose, but I don't know what it is.  Sorry, maybe somebody else will.    

  5. There are cons? Well I suppose cost is always a con.

  6. Nobody has a problem with stem cell research.  The only con is that it is costly.

    You may be thinking of fetal stem cell research.

    Best to get that straight first.


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