
Pro-choice women: Why do you argue its your body to do with as you please?

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Last I checked, abortion was the act of deliberately ending the life of SOMEONE ELSES body.

Sure, it might be surgery to you... but someone else is dying in the process.

How does "Its my body" argument hold up?

You dont own the fetus. Owning human life went out with slavery.




  1. Whatever a woman decides to do with her own body and her own bunch of cells, aka fetus, is fine with me. If you disagree with it, then you need to wear condoms, get a vasectomy and anything else you choose to do.

    Not your call, not your business, not your right to tell anyone else what to do.

    EDIT: "Neutering" is for animals, not human beings, and again, why is it always up to the woman re birth control? Can you not afford condoms? A vasectomy? And before you have s*x with a woman, you need to get, in writing, what her feelings re having children are beforehand to avoid any misunderstandings. Get out of the Dark Ages, and welcome to 2008 where women are equal.

  2. Seriously, get over yourself.  It is my body.  Period.  And I'll do whatever the h**l I want with it without any assistance or input from  you or anyone else, thanks.  "Owning human life went out with slavery"---good one, considering slavery is more prolific now than it has ever been in recorded history.  So, as usual, the pro-life argument holds no water.

    Edt:  Um, women can't be "neutered."  My god, you people show your ignorance in a myriad of lovely ways, no?  And women who don't want kids do what they can to ensure it doesn't happen.   Your empty rhetoric, which you and your cronies like to spew regularly, suggests that women go around serially aborting after each sexual encounter.   Um, no.  A normal woman might have an abortion once because something didn't work.  And if you have such an issue with this, perhaps it's you who might consider "neutering" yourself so that you don't ever, ever have to worry about this affecting your life in any way.  Please, do us all a favour and make that appointment.

  3. Why don't all of you pro life people offer to take all of the unwanted babies or stop complaining about what people you don't even know do with their bodies? You don't know the circumstances and you don't have to carry around a baby for 9 months. If you love babies so much have a bunch of your own.

  4. Um, no - appeal to emotions is NOT a good way to make people agree with your point of view. It's simply what happens when you don't have or can't be bothered to construct a proper argument - it's a logical fallacy.

    A embryo is not an independant life form at this point, and has no conciousness - therefore "it's" body does not belong to anything, because there's nothing to own it yet. Scientists have gone over and over this point. You are not the first to bring it up. Please come up with a new point.

  5. If you check your biology books you'll see that a fetus is not a person, it's not considered a human being which is why it is legal to abort. It's not a person, like a mole or cyst it's a collection of cells from that persons body. It doesn't have a brain or feelings.

  6. Christ almighty. This gets boring, day after day after day, beating your head against the wall.

    Don't like abortion? Don't have one. Don't have s*x. Until then, it's none of your friggen' business what grows or doesn't grow inside my body. Sorry, Peanut.

  7. Because it IS my body to do with as I please.  Just as you say I do not "own" the embyro/blastocyst (most abortions happen long before a fetus is in existence), I say the embryo does not own me.  I am in no way obligated to let it hijack my body for nine months and/or my life for 18 or more years after that if I decide that childbirth is not right for me at this time.  

    Forcing me to have a child I don't want is MUCH closer to actual slavery than my choosing to terminate a pregnancy in the first trimester, when most abortions are performed.          

    What part of that do you not understand?  Why do the so-called rights of something smaller than your thumb trump my rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness?

  8. You're right, I don't own the fetus, and you don't own me. If you want the baby so badly, then feel free to take it out of my body and incubate it yourself. Until then, you don't get to use me as an egg warmer.

    For the record, I *DO* take precautions against pregnancy. But sadly, nothing is 100% effective, and things happen. But don't worry, I wouldn't be having s*x with you anyway, as I only sleep with people who understand that I would not be keeping any babies I might conceive.

  9. medically speaking the embryo/foetus is regarded as being brain dead, in which case medical doctors are quite entitled to terminate said life completely

  10. First, let's sort out a misunderstanding here. Foetuses are (to borrow some sci-fi terminology) "hosted" and nurtured by their mother but are not part of the mum's body as such. They are emergent human beings in their own right.

    So are our bodies, men and women, ours to do with as we please? No. If you are of religious persuasion our bodies are sacred temples given to us in trust.

    Even if you are of atheistic persuation you can see that we can use our bodies for good or ill. We can use our bodies to kill or maim others or we can use our bodies to help others.

    None of us, male nor female, are an island. We are all dependent upon one another and ultimately part of the human race.

    So no, our bodies are not ours to do with as we please.

  11. i think its to simple to just say no you cant have an abortion, even going on the reasons you have given. There are many reasons someone could end up pregnant its just not black and white,im sorry but youse are to militant for me, and that i cant put up with.and any time anyone has ever tried to put there point across there just cut down.

  12. That is easy for a man to say as there is no comparable for a man.

    Its not even just the body thing we are talking about - we are talking about major life changes and for many women these changes are borne alone as the "man" who provided the sperm has "moved on". His life changed little - hers changes 100%!! When men can give birth ( and not that fake guy who was a woman so now giving birth) then they can decide what to do with the fetus until  then stay out of it.

  13. The fetus is completely dependent on the woman's body and relies on her for nourishment. Pregnancy and giving birth can have serious medical repercussions, whether at the moment or later in life. If she's considering an abortion then chances are the pregnancy is not benefiting her, which makes the fetus essentially parasitic.

  14. yeah but te woman has to give birth to go through the pregnancy, birth and feeding, whihc all takes a toll on her body.

    i don't think it;s the best arguement but women should still have the choice as it's there lives that are going to change.

  15. The fetus is in my body. If it's in my body, it's subject to the rules of my body.

  16. Its not going to "live" without my body.  So until it can live on its own, it is my body.

  17. its just like every other choice you have: if you're against, dont do it. simple as that!

  18. I'm absolutely pro-choice. However, I agree with your point that it's not just the woman's body in question because the fetus is (sort of) like some else's body, even though that "someone else" is a tiny little lump of cells.

    Anyways, I think the point isn't that it's the woman's own body. I think the point is that the "other body" inside her is an insignificant lump of cells that isn't even close to a "person" and doesn't have a "life" and doesn't matter any more than a random sperm cell matters. Aborting it (killing it) is like killing an ant. It doesn't matter.

    Also, if having an abortion can prevent the woman (and maybe the man that got her pregnant) from having their lives ruined... and even maybe it will protect the unborn fetus from growing up into a world in which it isn't wanted... then maybe it's worth the sacrifice of something as insignificant as an ant.

  19. I don't make that argument.  I do not believe abortion is an acceptable substitute for responsible sexual behavior and use of contraceptives.

    My argument is solidly based on the risks of pregnancy to the woman, and her right to not be forced to undergo that risk.

    You wouldn't want someone to force you to donate a kidney against your will, would you?

    Besides, there is no scientific or ideological consensus about the precise moment a zygote, embryo or fetus becomes a "human life."

    Edit:  Questioner, I'd prefer that you not use the term pro-abortion in connection with me and my views.  In fact, I reject all labels, as I find they often lead people to make incorrect assumptions about the person being labeled.

    Besides, I think your desire to label others is motivated by less-than-honorable intentions.

  20. You will never be able to reach these pro-choice people. They have no respect for the integrity of life. And you know none of them are religious.

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