
Pro guitarist?

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im 14 years old and i started guitar in febuary and i always loved those old bands (The Who,Buck Cherry so on) and i wanna be a pro in atleast 1-2 years and im in a band but im the singer but i wanna also play guitar so any help???




  1. finish high school. go to college.  be a pro in your spare time.  i'm a pro right now, and i'm flat broke.  i just finished high school (graduating a year early) and i'm taking a year off of both my band and schooling to study abroad, but not before i've spoken to a few record companies, who agreed to let me come back later after i turn 18.  i'm glad i waited, because alot of my friends didnt and now they have no where to go from their failed music careers.  i on the other hand, am looking at possible record deals, with acceptance and a scholarship at USC and a few other schools to fall back on.  these are things that you need to keep in mind.

    on to your question about learning to sing and play, for starters a band should usually have 2 guitarists just in case, as the day of trios are pretty much over, and you will proabbly have more than one guitar track on any recording you make.  start with playing real simple stuff, beatles songs maybe, and singing them at the same time.  try just playing one chord per change while singing, and then move onto adding in the rhythm.  i started with blink 182 when i was in like 5th grade haha, and that was a great way to learn how to sing and play at the same time.  best of luck to you, but get a diploma first.  ps, try power chord academy,  i used to go back in teh day, and had the time of my life and learned alot.  i heard theyve gone abit downhill, but theyre still great.  it wont get you famous, but it will teach you what you need to know to be on the road

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