
Pro illegals answer this?

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Do you believe we should we start flying or shipping in people from around the globe who live in poor conditions and are looking for a better life? There are plenty of people around the world who are worse off than our southern neighbors. If you believe that every human has a right to better themselves and that coming to the U.S. seems to be the only way to achieve this, please explain to me how we should arrange that and what impact it would have on your life.




  1. Many of these people are leaving nations whose economies are actually growing - some are growing fast.

    Mexico is slated to be the 5th largest economy in the world by 2040 and is already the 11th wealthiest nation on earth. Their middle class is exploding as birthrates drop, leading to a higher ratio of resources per child. Mexico also has 18 billion barrels of known petroleum reserves -- on land!

    Costa Rica is a veritable paradise in countless ways. Their anti-gang stance is a model we should follow. They have astonishing energy-production potential, particularly geothermal.

    Brazil has lead the world in Flex-fuel cars for decades and (aside from deforestation) has done and admirable job of supplying feedstocks for the ethanol to run them.

    The list goes on.


    Servs-Ex-Lax above makes an excellent point: Only the United States makes bad decisions. Heck! I've been overseas and had to wear a reinforced hard-hat just to protect my pathetic, self-destructive brain from gettin' the schnott beat out of it by the crystalline, pristine Angel-Wings of those benevolent, mistake-free, locals; most of whom had more mud to sling at their OWN government than at ours.

    In fact, the only complaints I ever heard were that the U.S. offered more military protection to this or that nation than to their own. WE NEED TO MIND OUR OWN BUSINESS and GET THE @$*&%)(: OUT OF THEIR HAIR!!!!

    If they're defending themselves and we aren't intervening, interfering, and not setting up bases ANYWHERE but on our HOME TURF, they can't very well accuse us of playing favorites.


    If there's been any effect on foreign economies by U.S. actions, let it be remembered that Japan and Germany and Italy - by dint of their own "guileless, saintly" determination to conquer the world, actually directed the ire of said world to decisively and powerfully smite them to the brink of obliteration.

    And that, for the first time in history, the Victorious nation - rather than pillage them for the spoils - spent billions to rebuild them, resulting in one economic miracle after another.


  2. We need to build a really big fence with nets and puddles and barbed wire...and if they can get past that, sign them up for the Olympics!

  3. I'm definately not pro-illegal.  Sincerely what part of "illegal" are you wanting them to justify?

  4. Actually, FU, we already do that. Let me back up, Pres. Clinton almost tripled legal immigration to 2.5 million a year and Bush cut it back in half.  Durng that same time, we have been issuing up to 9 million visas a year to people for all over the world.

    The only problem is that when the visa expires they have to go back and unfortunately about a third "jump ship' and hide out in the country or about 3 million a year.

    Then we bring in about 20-30,000* Cubans legally. Then you have t understand that just in 2005 and 2006 the government states that about 10 million people crossed the borders illegally.  Granted the 3 mill* in visa jumpers was a number from 2005.  Then you have what's known as the favored nation status, where about 26 different countries citizens can come here on a "90 day pass".  The government doesn't know how many of them stay, no idea.  

    They just had a deal on Dobbs about the 60,000 hib or what ever visa people coming in and the Feds don't elven know where they are, so they cannot keep up with all.

    Anyway do the math.  Clinton and Bush over 30 million new Americans (legal).  illegal border crossings, they guesstamate at 38 million, then the 3 million a year on not honoring the visas and it adds up.  The country cannot take in so many, just lok at crime.  Americans 1-300 in jail.  Illegals 1-10 in jails*.

    So you got an interesting idea, but they are here now and more  coming.  If you are worried about them living in a he** hole country, then you might want to get into politics and help with changing their government.  To bring people here and put them on welfare is insane.  We send billions a year

    all voer the world, so we could cut that out.  But breaking the law is not the answer, that leads to anarchy.  i sugges t legal immigration be put on hold for ten or more years until the illegal number that they want to become sitizens is matched.  IN other words if Bush is bringing in 1 million now and there are 38 million or even 10 million illegals here, then stop legal immigration for tne years.  Also stop all visas.  Why import people to work whe the colleges and universities are kicking out tens of thousands here that can do the same job.  If the employer is cheap, they let them pay what the market will bear.  I am sure someone would want a job at a long salary. than to pay at all.

    YOu might also look at the Eruopean coutnries that are taxing people well over 50% to work these socialist programs, although some have 4 day work weeks or less than 30 hours a week.

    Problem is the h**l holes they live in are created by greed and they need to fix that.  We bled for this country and still do and if people don't want to stay and fight, then hy in the world bring them here.  But as I said we are bringing in more than we can handle.  An example of the cash we and other give out is like the Palestinians, who have billions and billions, enough per person to actually put them in the tops of countries as far as per capita income, but the guys running the country are the ones driving the big cars and have the mansins.  Arafat had a mansion in france and his widow gets aobut $20 million a year, go figure.

    The whole thing is nutty and aboth sides ahve taken advantage of the other, but the crime and drugs and the stuff that is destroying the country must stop and instead of putting them in jail here, deport to special border prisons or hve the governments of the person throw them in jail and care for them.  We need charity for Americans, not everybody and their brother in law from around the world.  But don't worry they will do nothing and sooner or later, instead of just communities or areas being like third world countries, it will take over the country.  look at the Albanians.  Illegally moved into Serbia and now own the land, can happen hear with the right politicians.

    NO body has a"right" to invade another country.  Remember there is a reason for a aw and immigration law is the same.  Legal immigration when done right brings in a good crop of people who appreciate what they got, whereas the other way the people are breaking the law and hide out in the underworld.  So yo want that or people wh assimilate and become Americans with American values.  They left a place to come here for a better life, but immigration is not a right.  think of all the murders that they commit and even on other illegals. The crime.  with legal controlled immigration you will not hve so much crime, but guess you willhve to contact the politicians.  The lobbyist that handle illegal drugs, fake ids and illegal smuggling must pay them a ton.  If yu don't like the way America is then why come here, so thumbs down all you want, proof is in the pudding.  

    Actually what you are proposing is to flood the country to the jpoint that she has no control and the ones breaking the law may leave it it will be just like the he**hole they came from.  Who want that follow the letter of the law, if the "condidates" say there are 10 million here, then allow ten million to stay, anymore must be sent home and at the expense of their country.  Unless said person is a rich, beauty queen that I know.  

    Take care.

  5. Well, here's my blather ~ No fed up I don't believe we should. I feel we need to secure our borders. However we do have an extremely large population of illegal personage. Our shakers and movers in all parts of the gov have stated plainly and succinctly they don't have plans to deport on a mass scale. So what is to be done with this illegal population I ask? Leave them be to work either with a fake SSN or under the table? They do pay taxes for those with an ITIN but unfortunately that's not true of all. Also they tie up ICE's hands to get the real criminals. You know those pesky terrorists and child p**n operations. We need to deal with this situation not blather ( I do love that word) like imbeciles when our gov has clearly stated their intentions. Now we need to focus on moving ahead and how the selection process is going to take place and the nuts and bolts of said reform.

  6. There are American families right now, with no food to eat.  Maybe we should worry about them first.

  7. Great question.

  8. I'm a Brit and let me tell you what is happening here. WWe have so many immigrants coming here, both legal and illegal, that the very nature of our society is changing at a frightening rate.

    We now have more mosques in "christian" Britain than we have churches. In some cities, like Bradford, the call to prayer is broadcast over loud-speakers five times a day and that in itself to the resident population is like a mini invasion. There are many areas that are no-go areas unless you are part of the right ethnic minority. Where I live, when I go out, I hear more spanish being spoken than English and the local schools are 90% black, with most of the rest coming from every part of the globe.

    Around London we have an area that is designated as green belt and it has been protected from being built up for many years. Now, we are becoming so overcrowded, the govenment are pushing through a law to allow them to build on that same land.

    We have fanatic clerics preaching hate and murder against us and we are powerless to deport them because of their "human rights". Abu Qatada, Bin Laden's right hand man, lives here on welfare and all told, with surveyllance and such, costs the british taxpayer a million pounds a year, but we can't throw him out because something bad might happen to him if we send him home.

    He and many like him are laughing their heads off at us, living on our money and all the time preaching death to the infidel.

    We have black crime completely out of control, muggings by the the thousand each and every day, shootings and now a plague of stabbings that left six people dead on friday alone. Thanks to all this, many decent people are to afraid to leave their homes and the streets are simply lawless.

    I could go on at great length, but this is just a taste of what immigration has brought to this once great and civilized (but no longer) country.

    The only people here now who seem to have no rights whatever are the white british. Can't say boo to an ethnic minority without the threat of legal action and compensation for the most minor thing is paid out by the bucket load. Yet you can insult, denigrate and demonise the white population as much as you like and we have no law to protect us. The argument is that it serves us right for the actions of our country centuries ago. As I have said before, that's like shouting at gravestones and beating up someone's great great grandson to get revenge for the wrongs of the long dead.

    Now they are bringing in a law that says it is ok to discriminate in favour of black people over white in the jobs market, but woe betide you if you dare discriminate in the other direction

    My mum and dad suffered through both world wars to keep this country free and now the PC apologists and the pro-immigrant lobby have given it away on a plate to people from any and ever part of the globe.

    Unlike America, we are a tiny island and so the effects are magnified. We have no room, but they just keep cramming in more and more. And unlike America, perhaps, we really were here first so the we are all immigrants line doesn't hold water with us.

    Watch closely what is happening to us, at our culture being sneered at and sidelined, at the growing violence and crime, at the loss of all the things that once made us truly great, and know that the same thing is headed your way.

    The only answer my people seem to have found for this is to run away in droves, going wherever they can maintain their own identities and wherever they can keep their children safe from all the mayhem and violence.

    Call me racist if you like, but here the Asians hate the blacks and are angry that millions of Polish have come here taking "their" jobs. The Jamaican youth shoot the place up at will and knock out fatherless kids with any woman stupid enough to let them crawl into their beds. It's not unusal for them to have 3 or 4 children with 3 or 4 women all kept by the taxpayer. They fund their lives by robbing anyone they come across and the soppy brigade justify their actions and make excuses for them. They moan that the prisons are all full of black men as though that were racist, but the simple fact is they are there because they commit most of the crime.

    If I were to say any of this openly, I could be prosecuted for creating race hate and that everything I'm saying is factual and plain for everyone to see would not be taken as a defence.

    Just you watch your own freedoms and rights slowly being eroded over the coming years, while the rights of the immigrant and the criminal become all important and remember you heard it here first.

    My culture is being crushed out of existence and it breaks my heart. We were a civil, polite, law-abiding and safe nation to live in before the onslaught of mass immigration and now it is a place of fear, violence, rudeness, intollerance and chaos. If that's what the right-on brigade want, then they are welcome to it.

    My parents are spinning in their graves.

  9. Why would any ones belief in humanitarian aid make them a pro illegal?

    The United States has been airlifting and evacuating people for the longest time. Do you really believe that we have not been helping, assisting, feeding, building, financing, educating, giving medical aid or accepting refugees from other countries?

    Yes there are some that want a better life and then there are those that choose to go back.

    Question is, as an anti illegal do you believe that every human has a right to better themselves and that coming to the U.S. seems to be the only way to achieve this?

    It is not ours to achieve or arrange the operations, out government seems to have a handle on that all ready.

    Impact, I'd say for me there was none noticed as I have stated many refugees have been here since before my time. I do not look for the difference in people of the world, I choose to try and co exist with them.

    "Joint Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Noncombatant Evacuation Operations"

    "Noncombatant evacuation operations (NEOs) have

    humanitarian, military, and political implications."

    "Noncombatant evacuation operations (NEOs) are conducted

    to assist the Department of State (DOS) in evacuating

    noncombatants, nonessential military personnel, selected

    host-nation citizens, and third country nationals whose lives

    are in danger from locations in a host foreign nation to an

    appropriate safe haven and/or the United States."

    "Fact Sheet: United States Humanitarian, Reconstruction, and Security Assistance to Lebanon"

    " The United States Has:

        * Delivered medicine, fuel, shelter, food, and water to the Lebanese people.

        * Helped international relief agencies and non-governmental organizations arrange convoys to bring critical supplies to civilians in the conflict zones.

        * Worked with the Israeli and Lebanese governments, as well as partners in the region, to open ports, shipping lanes and runways, to allow the delivery of urgently needed supplies.

        * Helped to secure the early reopening of the Rafik Hariri International Airport in Beirut for passenger and humanitarian flights.

        * Helped to ensure the resumption of fuel supplies for Lebanon's principal power plants.

        * Worked with Lebanese officials and others to alleviate shortages in gasoline and diesel for vehicles.

        * Dispatched a shipment of 25,000 metric tons of wheat to Lebanon to ensure an uninterrupted supply of food."

    "Operation Babylift: Evacuating Children Orphaned by the Vietnam War "

    "As Saigon fell, President Ford ordered all in-country U.S. orphans to be airlifted out for asylum and adoption. Although he allocated $2 million for the operation, many flights were made in aircraft not outfitted to carry passengers. Nonetheless, more than 2,000 babies and children were flown out by military and smaller private chartered planes and eventually adopted in the United States."

    "Another 1,300 were adopted in Canada, Europe and Australia."

    'U.S. Accepting Approximately 10,000 Refugees from Burundi

    "Individuals can permanently resettle and apply for U.S. citizenship"

    "Washington -- At the request of the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the Bush administration is offering permanent resettlement to approximately 10,000 refugees from Burundi, some of whom have been living in camps in neighboring Tanzania since 1972."

    " 300 Refugees From Kosovo Leave U.S. For Homeland"

    "Fakete Rudi prefers to return to her decimated homeland, Kosovo, rather than to remain a refugee in the United States, where she says that ''even the flowers don't smell the same.''

  10. As you can see by some answers, the problem is many immigrants and illegals think it's a "right" to immigrate to the U.S .instead of what it really is, a privilege.

    There is no excuse to illegal immigrate anywhere, save that for the lazy criminals.

    and those that use ancient history to defend illegal criminal invasion in the 21st century are as pathetic as they come.

    Bush could cut immigration to near zero, that doesn't give any chump the right to illegal enter this nation.

  11. Excellent Question.

    be careful you be caught  talking down to pro's!!!

    btw it's not U.S job to look after the world.

  12. I am not pro-illegal. We should secure the borders, all of them, not just the Southern one. The alternative to "shipping" in labor is more outsourcing. I would rather see US companies shipping in cheap labor and keep manufacturing here. Those companies also employ clerical and higher skilled workers making it a win win situation, helping to keep the cost to the consumer down. There is no point in my opinion to make any kind of attempt to deport 12 million or so people. Let them apply for resident alien cards and start paying taxes like everyone else. Is it really rewarding criminal behavior? Maybe it is but so is allowing convicted criminals out early for good behavior only to offend again. Ever seen the rate of recidivism?

  13. We should worry about OUR OWN country first instead of worrying about other people from different countries.  we have too many homeless people on the street and children starving as it is....

    so AMERICA should come first

  14. I dont see why not.  Our parents/grandparents came here looking for the same better life.  Why is it just because we got here first that we suddenly have the right to deny others the same chance given to our ancestors.

    We have the room and the jobs (that nobody wants) so I say let them long as they are not criminals, drug dealers, etc...

  15. The pros who just start yelling "racism" do so because they can't back up thier argument well. It's hard to justify "illegal" except with the usual "they want a better life." So do many Americans. Let Mexico take care of its people.

  16. i am not pro-illegal either but what i would like to see is the USA government not affecting people around the world and then complaining when someone has to leave their country because of that , i am not sure why that its so hard for some to understand , if many have had to leave Latin America in particular it is in great part to being subjugated by attitudes which seems imperialist or/and abusive . about those who are here i believe they should be legalized because as i said the USA has played a big role when it comes to the financial disasters of others , it has also been part of the violence in the countries of others which of course has stopped or make harder their progress , an attitude which definitely needs to change  .

    to answer your question i believe than the USA does not need to do what u are suggesting , what it needs to do its to stop messing with the economies of others doing unfair trades and allow them to actually sell to America with out having to deal with the subsides which mostly go to the super rich and which the rest of the Americans seem to be OK with having to pay for ..... did u knew than 500 billion dollars are given in welfare to the rich while only 5 billions to the poor !??? to me that should anger anyone . by the way i could explain pretty well who is this welfare going to but the questions is not about that , anyways it is not going towards undocumented like some like to pretend .

    NOTE : if u pay attention not a single pro legalization for whom this question is for has suggested to do what u are saying .

  17. In USA capitalism make market economy, free competition enable Mexican to undercut USA prices.  Mexican take job from USA American because Mexican live worse place than USA American, work for less money.  USA American not lose job if make sacrifice in luxury life for to focus on hard work.

  18. You are taking the views of pro-immigrant people out of context.

    First, I support keeping those that are already here.  For many reasons, I do not think it would be wise to somehow deport all of them, nor would it be wise to keep them somewhere between legal and illegal.

    However, I DO support increasing border enforcement.  We don't need more.

    There is a substantial difference between (1) having immigrants that enter illegally from the border because the government does not catch them and (2) rounding up everyone we can find that could use a break and bringing them in.  To characterize the two as somehow similar, and to suggest that support for one means support for the other, does not create a good argument for you.

  19. Why the h**l not? Since when does everything have to be on a  first come first served basis? Many of our ancestors came here to start a better life and look at the result. I think it's not only something we "should" do but it should be mandatory.

    As for the people who are going argue and say " we need to take care of the homeless of the US", what many of you fail to realize is a lot of the US poverty(but not ALL) is SELF INFLICTED. From underage pregnancies to drugs, many of them can only blame themselves. Why not give others including those from third world countries a clean slate and an opportunity, as our relatives and ancestors were given.

  20. I'm not a pro I won't answer....except to say that we should take care of our own first.

    But this is a great question, so here's a star for you.

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