
Pro life Pro choice can you at least understand where the other side is coming from?

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Personally I am against abortion, but I can understand that you don't want the "man" forcing his views on you. I don't either (in almost every other instance), but in this case I see it as the mother infringing on the rights of the child.

Can pro choice people at least understand (while disagreeing) why I think that life starts at conception? Once the process starts for me it doesn't matter which stage it is in. They are all equally important.

Can we try to see the other person's view?





  2. I call myself pro-choice ,because i believe that people should have the right to choose if they need an abortion or not. Yet i can see why people would appose abortion. Ending a life even while the fetus is in the mothers womb is unsettling. Thinking of something growing and moving around oblivious to what may happen to he or she is also disconcerting. Someone like me may not ever want to have an abortion ,but i remember that everyone opinions are different. I do not feel disgusted if someone has one even though would rather not have. This is their choice that they made. I rather for them to have an abortion legally than to have them going getting it unsafely. Instead of trying to outlaw abortions and driving them underground. We should be trying to make sure that people have access to birth control and other contraceptives. This would be the key of making sure that abortion is the last resort.

  3. I think SOME pro life people can be very biassed - they assume it's a gender thing. Wheras both men and women agree or disagree with it. And it is just about who's body it's in, for example in a same s*x relationship.

    I can see pro lifers views, that they consider the life starts and they think it's wrong to end it.

    But I'm pro CHOICE which means I think people shouyld continue to not have abortions if they don't want to, but if they choose not to have it they can.

  4. To say "abortion is murder" and to say "abortion is a right" have similarities.  Each depends on an arguable assumption about the fetus.

    Obviously, if you believe that the  fetus is not merely the woman's flesh ("my body" as many say) than you would not consider abortion a right, it's a choice absolutely, just like murder is a choice, the key question is whether it is a legitimate right one has to choose in this regard.

    Is it a right? in principle? well the best answer is that whether it is a right is itself arguable, both sides should be smart and honest enough to know that.

  5. Yes.  Pro-choice come from a standpoint of respecting the life that is already born.  The Anti-free choice people come from a psychotically demented need to control other people's lives.

  6. I see the other people's point of view. I used to be on the other side (pro-choice) and fervently supported the right to an abortion. So I know what pro-choice arguments are and what is the mentality behind those beliefs. I used to espouse it very well. Now that I have a change of heart, I understand it better and it helps me solidify my new stance on abortion. Many emotion and feeling goes into the abortion debate and we can all see the reasoning of each side.

  7. I can see the "other side's" point of view. I just happen to disagree with it.

  8. I frequently acknowledge that each side is operating under a different set of beliefs and principles.  

    I do however insist that the law find a common denominator that protects the rights of people who hold different beliefs.

  9. Actually, I can't. I really think that the abortion of babies is wrong and I will never change my mind. For no reason should it be done.

  10. I'm pro life.  I understand the concept of how a woman thinks it is her body so she should be able to do with it as she pleases.  However, I believe the baby is entitled to life, so I don't share that opinion.  I have never bombed an abortion clinic, or picketed outside one, and I would never judge someone who has had an abortion.  I don't judge anyone, but that doesn't mean I can't have an opinion about what is right and wrong.

  11. To each his own, I have no strong opinion either way.

  12. I can understand that you have your own beliefs and opinions.  I can not stand the fact that you believe everyone else should be forced to share them.

  13. I can see the pro-life point of view, but I disagree with it. I believe that life begins at the point of viability outside the womb.

  14. I think I can basically understand the pro life view. They are concerned with the rights of the fetus, which they acknowledge will grow into a person. And they have a perfectly natural view that human life is important (and if they are religious, then they think human life is absolutely sacred).

    But I strongly disagree with pro lifers because I don't think that human life is "special" in and of itself. I think most people only view human life as the most important kind of life because they are humans themselves. To wolves, I'm sure wolf life is the most important. Everyone/everything considers that which they relate to to be the most important. That being said, I'm not religious and so I totally don't think that humans are special or sacred in any absolute way like that. So anyways, since I don't think that humans are inherently important or special, then I certainly don't think that a tiny little clump of cells that may or may not be "alive" in the scientifically technical sense is important. I think that killing a tiny fetus (that the parents don't even want, mind you) is no more of a big deal than killing an ant. An ant is alive too, just like the fetus. If anything, the ant's life is more important than the fetus' because it has already begun to have a "life" and a job and a place in little ant society. It walks around and eats and does things and perceives the world. Meanwhile, the fetus is a mindless little thing that just sits there inside a womb and does nothing and knows nothing and has no "life" that it's in the middle of living. And if killing it will relieve the parents of having their lives turned upside down and ruined... then I see no reason why it shouldn't be aborted. There are already more than enough people in the world and more than enough more being born every day. Who cares if one insignificant and unwanted potential person is killed before it even matters to them? And if the parents that abort their fetus decide later that they do want to have a baby, it's not like they can't just make another one.

    In short- I don't think that the life of a fetus matters unless the parents want to have a baby, in which case the fetus' life matters to the parents.

    And when people try to argue that even a little fetus in the early stages has a mind... I think that's ridiculous because no one even remembers anything prior to the age of two or three because their minds aren't formed enough to make real memories. Without memories and without any sensory information or knowledge to have thoughts about, what can possibly be going on in a fetus' mind that is any more significant than whatever goes on in the mind of an ant?

  15. I'm Pro-life and I don't see how anyone can say that abortion is ok...

    I suppose it depends a lot on your religious/philosophical views, though. I believe that the child is alive from the moment the egg and sperm meet, and therefore I see abortion (at any point of the pregnancy) as killing a living human being, which (to me) is wrong.

  16. I can understand, of course... in fact, I understand there are exceptions. In my case, I'm pro choice because in my society we never speak of s*x, and when a girl is raped, the unborn children is before the mother's life even tough when they are just children too, without family support, because in some cases the girls are blamed for being raped.

    On my job, I have visited places where this little kids are received and is so sad to see those girls who comes from poor towns, and who have not other support and now they have to rise a baby.

  17. Yes I'm pro-Choice and I can see why some people are against abortion. It's obviously a touchy issue no matter which side you are on but I strongly believe someones individual freedom and liberty to choose and make their own decisions.

    Oh and, being pro-Choice has nothing to do with a "man's" forcing his views on anybody. Even if a man wants or doesn't want his partner to have an abortion, it will still be ultimately up to her in the end.

  18. I would take this question seriously if it had been for the wording. And its not anti male, some people just don't believe that every pregnancy is necessary. Also, why cant you understand that life doesnt start at conception, I presume you dont like that wording because I would be pushing my opinion on you. For example, like you are doing now. What would you choose ,an abortion or not having  one and the child be raised in an impoverished , abusive home. I strongly believe in taking every step not to conceive if you are not ready for children, but things happen.

    But one thing I think we can all agree on is that people need to be more careful and more responsible with their decisions.

  19. No I cant because you have no right to give a parasite the right over its host. YOU are the one who needs to realize that it is YOUR skewered sense of morality that brings you to the conclusion that an abortion is on par with a murder, and that a woman should be held accountable for some sort of crime to some thing that suddenly has more rights than her even though it would not exist if it werent for her body, and so long as it depends upon her body to grow, she has every right to determine whether or not she will allow it. Men m********e all the time, and oddly enough that is mentioned in the bible as a no no, because they are wasting something. A womans right over her body in such an instance is NEVER mentioned in the bible.

  20. Of course I can see the other side!  Being pro choice, however, means that I don't want ANYONE telling me what to do with my body...not specifically men.  It has nothing to do with gender or feminism.

    Without casting stones, I would like to point out that it is the prolifers I've encountered here who have:

    1.  Hypocritical views - thinking that abortion in the case of rape is okay.  

    2.  Are intent on calling prochoicers     'murderers'.  

    So if you are looking for understanding from one side or the other, perhaps you should start with your brethren...

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