
Pro-life guys, if it's okay to say what I'll do with MY body?

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If it's okay to say what I'll do with MY body, if government should take decisions about my uterus, my family, me and my 'current fetus future baby' 's life, what is good for me and my family; what are you going to do if government tell you one day all men should circumcise, all fathers should spend 12 hours at home...etc

I really cannot understand how some people can't see making abortion illegal is simply against freedom and also it is NOT killing babies.




  1. Honey, if you want to have unprotected s*x with your body and make a baby (and it IS a baby at conception, whether you want to believe that or not), then you have a responsibility to the little one you have chosen to create.  

    You are old enough and strong enough to make the right choice to begin with--the innocent unborn baby has no say in the matter.

    Please try to think about someone besides yourself--the world would be a much better place if we all realized it's not about me, myself, and I.

  2. A fetus isn't a person.  A 3 year old without healthcare is.  Republicans don't care about kids.  They care about wedge issues that will get them elected.  

  3. It should certainly be the womans choice to bring a life into this world that she will ultimately be responsible for. While it takes two to create the life the woman is responsible for bringing it from a embreyo to a fetus and then to a baby. If she feels she cannot or should not do that then that is her option. WHy force her to keep a baby when she is not willing to take care of her body to ensure that babies health. Or prehaps bring a baby into this world that she will not take care of or mistreat. Also, some pregnancies are the result of rape. What then? Should a woman be forced to have the baby of her rapist if the situation resulted in a pregnancy?  

  4. First of all, I'm neither pro-life nor pro-choice...(haven't made my mind up)

    But I think what pro-life people are getting at is that, we should start respecting life more. And take the necessary precautions to not getting pregnant, so that you don't have to be in a position to have make the decision to have an abortion.

    Of course, you have to acknowledge that some people are raped or abused and that it isn't their choice to fall pregnant, and they may not want to have a baby they didn't wish for.

    But when you get the same people having abortions for the 2nd or 3rd times in their lifetimes, then those people are showing a clear contempt and lack of respect, for what is essentially another human being.

    So, while there are legitimate reasons why one would need an abortion, the most important thing is that it should be a very last resort, in extreme circumstances, and not become the norm.

    We should all take responsibility for our bodies, and that means having enough respect for your body not to put it through such an awful ordeal as abortion.

    So, instead of wanting the right to DO WHAT YOU WANT WITH YOUR BODY, why don't we as women appreciate the fact that we can be good to our bodies. Don't put your body through abortion! Your body never forgets.

  5.    It is murder. It is really funny how the baby is always referred to fetus. Freedom entitles everyone the right to life, that is in the constitution and in the UN mandate.

       Abortion should only be used in cases of rape,incest and medical conditions. Abortion should be used as a alternative to using the pill, of practicing safe s*x.  

  6. If I answer you are you going to report me? Because a fetus is a baby... they are made up of the same cells therefore they are the same thing in a different form... :/

    A miscarry is VERY VERY DIFFERENT than an abortion so please don't compare the two....

    and I have a VERY serious question for you.... Do you even KNOW what they do to the "fetus" in order to abort it? The same people that allow and condone abortions don't let the same thing (or similar things) happen to prisioners on death row.... :/

    And I am sorry for your mom... I am sure she had a VERY VERY hard decision to make... and it's decisions like that that I am not wanting to bar... it's the ones that don't think about the consequences to their actions and abort a living life because "they aren't ready" or "it's not conveinant for them"... it's those women that should have thought about before they spread their legs...

  7. While I am sympathetic to the idea that the issue of abortion rights is largely one of freedom to do with our bodies what we choose, I think it is foolish to look at it exclusively in those terms.  At what point a mass of tissue becomes a person is something we will never resolve (it isn't really a scientific question), but you have to acknowledge that a fetus is at least something worthy of consideration if not some form of protection at some point. For many who are many anti-abortion it isn't about controlling women's bodies, it is about a fundamental issue of life, which we should all be on the side of. It is a dicey issue in my mind. The issue of personal responsibility is also key.

  8. It IS NOT all about YOU in this case.

    That is like saying I have a right to take my fist and punch you in the face with it because it is MY FIST and I have a right to do with it what I please.

    Please explain how it is not killing a living thing.

    ADD:  Ha ha!  It isnt a baby until the 10-12th week?  Well what was it on the 11th week and 6th day?  What if YOU have an abortion in the 11th week and your baby actually"became" a baby in the 10th week.  Does that make you a murderer then or is it still all about you?

    ADD:  How does you or anyone else know that a fetus has no feeling or emotion.  By the way, a baby "has: their gender the day they are conceived.  Just because you cant see it with our technology until later doesnt mean it is not there.

  9. Well, they call it 'pro-choice', but what about the babies 'choice?'  ..I mean, even a death-row convict is allowed legal representation.

    I believe in 200 years people will look back on these days of legal abortions and say, 'can you actually believe that was once allowed?!?' the same way we look at slavery today.

  10. You may do as you wish on this earth, but a day of judgement

    commeth!  May the Lord have mercy on your poor soul!

  11. aborytion is illegal,why it should be made legal

    why we want to live only 4 oursselves

  12. So when you go up to someone whos pregnant do you ask, hows the baby, or hows the body?

    And if you were actually half educated, it mentions wher ethe dnc thinks the tax payers should pay for it...

    you a freeloader too? and think we should pay for your oops?

    And your hero supports infanticide which is the killing of a live baby that has allready been born.

    I believe in accountability. Its a shame your mother diddnt believe in abortion... oh wait

  13. If you don't sleep around, you shouldn't have to worry about it.

  14. I believe in choice.

    I want you to have a full range of options, so you can make the best choice for yourself. It's your life, you need to do what is best for you

  15. Pro-Life is just a peppy upbeat term to make these people sound more credible, and less insane.  It's your body, and it's not self-aware yet when it happens.  

    Pro-Lifers, will you step up and care for these unwanted children?  Will you feed the starving child because mom can't afford to feed him/her?  Will you step up and give care to the baby that is so deformed, that not only does it not look human anymore, but it's in pain every single day?

    Probably not.  It's always easier to sit there and whine about it until you have to do something about it, right?

    Abortion has gone from ILLEGAL to LEGAL here.  We shouldn't revert back into the stone ages.  

  16. People are so emotional about abortion.  Your body, your decision.

  17. I don't see how you can equate having an abortion with having a circumcision... that's just weird thinking, frankly.

    While I recognize that some people will call it murder at the point of conception, I am not among that group. I believe most people feel as I do, so If abortions were only about having it done until the 10-13th week, we wouldn't be having such emotional discussions.

    But despite what you apparently think, abortions are being done well past that point. And no one in good conscience can condone that. You have crossed the point where you are discussing just one body (yours). There are now two involved.

  18. So, you think it is ok to murder your little baby inside?


    OH YES IT IS do you look at yourself in the mirror?


    oh by the way, why it is still legal to murder babies, THE MAN who got you pregnant (if you know who he is even) should have a right to stop you from murdering his child.

  19. You're right it is your body.. but abortion IS killing a baby. If I kill a pregnant woman I can be charged with 2 murders. So I guess you think you're above the law?

  20. Funny how some of the answers refer to them paying for the operation, yet they make no mention of who will pay for all the abandoned kids that will run rampant. Yes they do not want any more social programs, yet they can never answer who will pay.

  21. Great point!!  Try telling a man what to do with his p***s and see how he likes it!!  Can you imagine?  

  22. A lot of pro-lifers are men.

    I'm wondering how many take responsibility by using protection and how many have opened up their homes to a homeless child.

    Oh, I know they all want little white babies, but I'm saying they should put their resources where their mouth is.

  23. Your choice came when you chose to have s*x.  It's rather hypocritical of the left to cry about choice when they promote non choice when it comes to trans fat, smoking, weight, words and even thought.  Come out and stop hiding behind the false choice label and call yourselves Pro-Abortion.  

  24. Your right... I hate that.. Im not really For or Against it.. but i do think it should be up to the woman.

  25. Most people who call abortion murder are generally the same people who are for capital punishment. Figure that one out.

  26. Does tha baby get to decide whether he/she wants thier heads crushed with scissors?  I think not

  27. aha the ignorance of youth, as long as taxpayers have to foot the bill they have the right to say , besides babies have rights too, and if you use abortion rahter than a pill or condom, then suffer, we the taxpayer wasnt there for the fun

  28. what?

    but i agree

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