
Pro-life people, I have another question for you. ?

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Do you know there are MILLIONS of women who have illegal abortion/miscarry the fetus because it's not legal in their countries and/or their family stops them? They die when they try to have an abortion.

Illegalization of abortion will only increase the already-high-number.

What are you going to say about that?




  1. Abortion is not a political issue. To be fair they should be referred to as The Anti-Choice people. As no one is anti-life.

  2. All the more reason to have s*x responsibly.  What's so wrong with accepting the consequences of one's actions?  If I go have unprotected s*x with a number of women and contract HIV isn't it MY fault?  Don't I have to live with that?  Geez, you guys act like women just wind up pregnant...

  3. Unfortunately

    They can not answer you right now,

    they are out trying to adopt these unwanted babies ------NOT !!!

    (like the war--they only support in words ONLY )

  4. i say its my body, my stretch marks, my morning sickness..and totally MY choice

  5. Remember, pro-lifers are only pro life of the unborn fetus. Once that clump of cells is born, that's when they stop caring.

    libsticker: Your answer is hilarious! I guess when you believe that a child (Mary) really was a virgin when she was pregnant, then you really will believe anything.

  6. Too bad for them, maybe they should have used better birth control or bought a plane ticket to a country that performs abortion

  7. *Sigh*.  Oh how I tire of this circular debate.  Not that anyone asked, but here's my take:

    I'm pro-life and pro-choice.  They are two separate stances on two separate topics.  They are not standing across the battle field that is abortion staring at each other.

    I'm pro-life because i believe in the value of every human life, one that does indeed begin at conception.  I also am pro-choice because the idea of legislating a medical procedure would set an extremely dangerous 1984-ish precedent for government control.

    Now, onto abortion itself.  Instead of debating which 'types' of abortion are ok - which is a sick and morbid topic if you've ever looked into it - let's look at the REAL questions.

    Why are so many young girls getting pregnant?

    What can we do to reduce unwanted pregnancies?

    How can we increase the effectiveness of our domestic adoption programs?



  8. I would say that they should have made their sleazy boyfriend wear a condom, but that's just me.  I'm a freak like that:  I dig personal responsibility.

  9. You are right. Banning murders may increase murders. (what??)

      But either way, you still have to ban murders right?

  10. IN north america there are a lot of alternatives to having an abortion.  Alternatives that other countries do not have.  Your statistics are off and your ranting against people who believe that all life is precious should be backed with something more than your rantings.

    I think there would be a decline in abortion if people would start taking action sooner.  In canada if you don't have the cash for birth control you can get it free.  So there is no excuse for not taking any or using condoms.  The day after pill also is quite effective and a whole lot less harmful to the woman.  And aborting a child because the doctor tells you it has a mental problem is also wrong IMO.  My uncle and aunt were told that.  They refused to abort and had their child who is very intelligent.  And of course the few people who abort because they wanted a girl not a boy or vice versa.  Partial BIrth abortions are horrific.  The stab the baby in the back of the neck while his/her head is still in the mother (if it comes out it is an abortion).

    abortion/no abortion is a complicated issue with no clear answer.  Neither side is fully wrong or right.  The best thing to do is as an individual choose to never have an abortion.  Choose to teach your children they can be open and honest about s*x and if they are raped there is nothing to be ashamed off.  That way if they are raped they can get to the hopsital and have it taken care of right away before abortion is neccesary.  Abortion should not be an excuse to be unwise.

  11. well that is their own fault for dying. don't risk your life with an unsafe illegal medical procedure

  12. They chose to get pregnant.   If I choose to smoke - and I die of lung cancer - whose fault is it.

  13. I would say those women got what they deserved.

    If you get killed during a robbery, is that a reason to make it legal?


    You can tell yourself anything you want, and believe it, but those who understand that a BABY in the womb or not has as much right to life as the mother who is carrying it. End of the story. Make yourself feel better and keep lying to yourself if that is what gets you to sleep at night.

  14. abortion is still murder.

    by your argument, how about we legalize everything that is today illegal? that way there will be NO NEED for police, jails, lawyers, anti-discrimination laws, courts, judges, juries, prisons, etc..  sound good?

  15. I agree you can't get rid of it and most likely we never will.

  16. Women die from having an abortion.

    How many babies are dieing from abortion?

    Tell me again how that a baby who is born alive after an abortion attempt in this country shouldn't be given medical treatment.

    How you Pro-Choice people think that it is OK to let a baby suffer pain and die of cold and neglect because of you so called right to choice.

    Number of abortions are going down in this country.

    Women do have access to birth control.

    Many places if the woman doesn't want the child she is free to drop the child off at an hospital or at a man fire station.  

    What is going on in the world I don't care but what happens in this country does matter.

    What are you doing about keeping abortion rare?

  17. I know of only one woman who got pregnant without having s*x and that woman Mary the liberals dispute as not having s*x.  So in that light, if a woman didn't have s*x, I would say she avoids the risk of pregnancy in the first place and therefore has no need for an abortion.  Should you have s*x, choose a good contraceptive and remove a huge risk of abortion.  That is what I say about that.

  18. Those prolifers have no respect for other peoples beliefs, they think only what they want is what should matter.

    True prolifers would want an increase in s*x education and birth control, not force a 15 year old girl to flush an unwanted baby down the crapper.

  19. The people are going to do it-anyway so it might as well be legal argument is shaky at best.

    Should the same logic be applied to everything that is against the law?  Murder?  Child pornography?  Stealing?

    The woman chose to have s*x knowing full well what the consequences could be.  Once a woman is pregnant, her body is not fully her own and she therefore has no right to terminate the pregnancy.

  20. Anti-abortion people don't get this.  They think, well don't have s*x and you won't have a baby or use birth control.  But for women in many countries that is not an option, they are forced into marriage and s*x without birth control.  How easily pro lifer's judge these women when they know nothing about their lives or what they have to deal with day to day.  The woman dying from an unsafe abortion was once just a child herself, who knows how her life has been that has gotten her pregnant and scared and desperate for an abortion?  Judge not lest ye be judged.

  21. There are also millions of women forced to have abortions because they have already reached the one child limit, or the gender of the baby isn't desired.  Are you saying that's a good thing?

    Look, that clump of cells is going to be a human; not a cantaloupe, not a raccoon, not an oak tree.  A HUMAN.  The "it's my body" argument fails because it ignores the BABY'S body.

    I do think a woman should have the option to end her pregnancy if it is the result of rape or incest, or if the mother will die during the pregnancy or child-birth.  But abortion for convenience or birth-control is murder.

  22. Pro-lifers are the lowest form of scum on the earth! They need to mind their own F**KING business! (And of course all these pro-lifers are going to pay for and raise all these neglected children...yeah right!) It's rather ironic that the pro-lifers have no problem killing abortion doctors, but throw a hissy-fit if a 1 month old fetus, which can't even survive outside of it's mother's body, is aborted. Should abortion be used as birth control...No. Should the mother, and only the mother (and father if applicable), be the ones to decide if she should have an abortion...Yes.

  23. I agree with Prophet 1102.

    It's the woman's choice to get pregnant - she can keep her legs closed.

    Guess what - robbery is illegal in the USA.  It still happens every day.  Since it still happens even when it's illegal, should we legalize it to make it safer for everyone?  After all, people get killed in robberies all the time, happened just the other day here in SoCal.  Following your logic, we should legalize anything that people continue to do after it is made illegal.

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