
Pro-lifers, what is wrong with contraceptives?

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Have been reading through some old answers and noticed that a few pro-lifers are opposed not only towards abortion but forms of contraceptives as well such as the pill and even the morning-after pill.

What is the reason for this?

Isn't it better to prevent pregnancy in the first place if abortion is such a sin?

Logical answers please, any rants will be ignored.




  1. I'm interested in some of the answers I'm seeing here. So basically, I'm sinning in the eyes of some religious people if I have s*x with my husband because there is pretty much no possibility of creating a child. That's because I'm largely past child bearing age. So basically, older people and infertile people shouldn't have s*x either.

  2. If life begins upon conception, and it is bad to take away a life, then what's the difference between a contraceptive that stops a pregnancy at this stage and a woman's natural body functions?  By that I mean, technically a woman only becomes pregnant if the feritilized egg actually implants in the womb. If it doesn't it is simply taken away with the regular menstrual flow. So basically aren't a lot of women going through natuaral "abortions?"  Are we just not able to make that choice for ourselves?

  3. You know it's funny That the Catholic Church is against all forms of protection (including condoms) even though it could save countless lives in Africa and the world from AIDS.

    It’s funny that they proclaim that condoms are the devil yet their own priests cover up the molestation of little boys. What a bunch of hypocrites; if anyone listens to the mumbling of a fundamentalist in any religion, they are just a horde being rounded up by their Chieftain.

    Condoms and the pill are not the devil; science is not the devil. I think people should stop blaming an imaginary scare tactic; and start thinking within the realm of logic.

    Apparently also these ‘God fearing’ people believe that you are born into destiny and you die when ‘God’ has chosen to take you. So wouldn’t 'God' have planned that you were going to be aborted if that were the case? There are so many loop holes  and contradictions in their great book of fallacies.

  4. the morning after pill wont even work if conception has already occurred, it is merely to keep from conceiving. it wont stop a pregnancy after it has already taken i dont understand being against that at ALL.  but, you know as well as  i do, a fanatic is a fanatic and there is no need to try and figure them out.

    it takes up to 4 days after having s*x to become pregnant, the morning after pill is taken asap to PREVENT it, it doesnt not harm the egg if it has already fertilized.

    you really ought to do some research before you start giving thumbs down

    Here's how the morning-after pill works. Human conception rarely occurs immediately after intercourse. Instead, it occurs as long as several days later, after ovulation. During the time between intercourse and conception, sperm continue to travel through the fallopian tube until the egg appears. So taking emergency birth control the "morning after" isn't too late to prevent pregnancy.

    Morning-after pills aren't the same as mifepristone (Mifeprex), the so-called abortion pill. Emergency contraceptive pills such as Plan B prevent pregnancy. The abortion pill terminates an established pregnancy — one in which the fertilized egg has attached to the uterine wall and has already begun to develop.

  5. I'm not opposed to contraception.  In fact, I think it's a good idea unless you're specifically trying to have a baby.  Keeping a baby from forming isn't the same as abortion.

  6. Well… I believe that IT IS OKAY to take any means to prevent a pregnancy and safe s*x (i.e the pill, condoms, ring, spermicid, and so on..  all except for the IUD because that is also in a way aborting the baby… ) but once you have conceived god views abortion as murder bc he views even the smallest embryo as a life from second one… a life for a life he says .. who wants that on them . The morning after pill is the same as an abortion. Its just nipping it in the bud earlier so that you don’t have to go threw the DnC.. I believe it makes you start your period right away, which is a forced miscarriage  . If you more curious about anything I said feel free to e-mail me. ..  I guess what it comes down to is your Religion ..

    p.s the heart ina fetus does not begin to beat untill the 5 to 6 week mark

  7. I am 100% pro-life and am 100% for contrceptives. Prevention is fine with me, murder is not.

  8. We believe that life begins at the moment the sperm and egg meet. Some forms of BC can/do prevent the fertilized egg from implanting, thus aborting the life. I am not against all BC, just the types that I mentioned. Hope this answers your question! :)

  9. Well I suppose traditional abstinence is preferable over contraception, as the former is guaranteed.

    From a moral point of view, the use of contraception can lead to the belief that there are no consequence for one's actions. Effectively making it more likely for people to have numerous partners, which goes against the traditional religious principals which many pro-life advocates adhere too.

    Realistically, the use of contraceptives actually reduces the numbers of abortions. So from an objective point of view, the proliferation of contraceptives is ultimately a good thing for the pro life cause, so I am not opposed to their usage. That's my view, anyway.

  10. Nothing is wrong with them.

  11. Because in Christianity there are 3 alters, the alter in the Church, the Dinner Table, and the Bed. The bed is where s*x takes place, and s*x is considered a sacred act between a husband and wife, in which the purpose is to create a child. If you take away the possibility of creating a child, the act becomes nothing but lust, therefore the it is seen as a sin.

  12. uhm..nothing.

  13. I don't really consider myself a "pro-lifer" but I'm definitely not pro-choice either. As far as contraceptives go I'm all for them. If more people used birth control there would be fewer abortions. So yes, it is absolutely better to prevent pregnancy by any means. I don't see anything wrong with the morning-after pill, either. I don't know why anyone would have a problem with it.

  14. That's the logic in it; it speaks of a part of the responsibility; better to be using contraceptives; than to take a life without just cause.

  15. Some of those old-school pro-lifers actually think that s*x should ONLY be heterosexual and used for making babies.

    Most of them get that idea from their religious teachings.  

    Some of them need to discover that s*x is not just for making babies - it's also for simply feeling great and for couples to bond and express love and celebrate their lives together.  Homosexual couples have s*x for these reasons, too and all creatures and walks of life have homosexuality, too.

    Contraceptives are a great thing and I believe that any woman who gets pregnant while using contraceptives should still have the right to choose to keep it or to abort. It's wrong to force women to carry unwanted babies and to give birth.

    Sin is a point of view - it is NOT a fact, and it does not belong in American laws.  We are not all Christians, so there's nothing fair or right about imposing the rules of Christianity to control everyone in the world.  As for tubal litigation, females cannot have this procedure done unless she:  Has had a child already OR is at least 30 years old.  Women do not have equal rights like men do over their reproductive organs.  Men can get a vasectomy with no problem but doctors have stipulations for women who want tubal litigations and things of that sort.  NO surgeon will perform a hysterectomy unless women have severe health problems in the uterus or ovaries.  Because of this unfairness, it is only right for contraceptives to be used, and for women to have the choice of whether or not she will abort or give birth.  That should remain her right regardless of what others think of it.  Pro-choice does NOT mean pro-abortion.  I support the rights and decisions of women and it's none of anyone's business whether she chooses abortion or not.

    This was a good question, and I can see by the thumbs-down that there's still some people who sadly disagree...I hope they'll understand some day, wake up and start looking at it differently.

  16. Well, the reason you are here asking this question is probably because some woman a long time did not have access to morning-after pill.

    Always remember, all those who are pro-abortion have already been born.

  17. Life begins when egg and sperm meet or upon long as the form birth control takes is in PREVENTING the two from; Condom,BC Pill,Barrier Method,Tubal Ligation,Vasectomy or Abstinence...THEN there is absolutely nothing wrong with Birth Control or Contraceptives...BUT so-called Contraceptives such as the Morning After Pill,IUD or Abortion are not Contraceptives..they are tools used to kill the Un-born.

  18. Those Pro-lifers are usually the ones who take their religious beliefs to the extreme and believe any form of birth-control is evil and sinful.

    Most moderate Pro-lifers I know however have no problem with contraceptives. Abortion would not even be necessary if more people became educated and used birth-control.

  19. Some people have a problem with the morning after pill because you're supposed to use it after conception, so to some people it's like abortion. And some religions may be against birth control, so that could be why they are against contraception.

  20. All right Im completely prochoice ultimately only the one involved has to live with the consequences but just to clarify an IUD is not a form of abortion it simply makes your cervix an unsuitable are for the egg to implant. It is however a form of birth control esp. for those whose bodies cannot take the hormones in other contraceptives (like me) There are no other alternatives and diaphrams dont work (my 8yr old is proof.)  and yes prevention is better than having to make a decision like that.

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