
Pro racers going into corners?

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why is it in pro racing when some guys go into a corner they seem to kick out their leg as thou they were going to put it on the ground?




  1. you use your leg to help as a "guide" through a turn or sometimes if you lean to much in a turn you can catch yourself...

  2. If your talking about what was first referred to as Rossi's stress meter. now starting to catch on with other riders.

    In the same way the wind catches the rider when he sits up braking adding drag and aiding slow down. the inside leg also catches the air and helps to slow down and turn the bike.

    But if you have ever taken your hand off the handle bar at 100MPH+  you will know how much wind resistance there is. and how hard it is to put your hand back on the bars. the same thing happens with your leg. I would not recommend trying it.

  3. I remember watching RevinKevin #34 kicking his leg out in the early 90's.

    I guess its just a way of getting round the corner, better , for that rider on that day.

    He is an even bigger mystery, why did Rossi use a double right knee slider at Assen last year, and will he use it again this year?

  4. motocross conering, guys move in close to the gas tank, and throw there inside cornering leg closer to the front wheel.  if you think about it  the front wheel has to be firmly planted on the ground in able to steer the front wheel to turn the bike through the corner. its just about putting weight on the front tire for maximum steering response.

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