
Proactive skincare? ?

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Should I use this proactive that everyone's rambling about? I'm not sure, can someone who has personally tried the product share their experience to give me a better idea of what I might purchase? I have VERY sensitive skin to the point where I can barely use sensitive skincare products. Will this dry out and crack my skin like all the others do?




  1. I use proactive and had a reaction to it when i first used it, Like my skin was red and my eyes were puffy etc

    But after the first week it wasn't so bad anymore.

    But if you have sensitive skin i wouldn't recommend you use it.

    I hardly have sensitive skin and every now and then i can still get a little rash on my neck.

  2. oh.. with proavtiv... the cream stuff is sometimes the cause of burning skin if yours is sensitive,,,

    i dont recommend!

    good luck!

    hope i helped!

  3. Whatever you do don't get proactive!!! Both me and my sister tried it.  Neither one of us showed any results.  It a total waste of money so I swithched to Neutrogena and my face looks a lot better.  

  4. if your skin is sensitive i would suggest that you NOT use Proactive. It will dry your skin out like crazy. if you must, try Cetaphil because its gental enough for a baby.


  5. Well I can personally say that Proactive works.I have sensitive skin as well and it doesn't bother it.But it only works if you keep your hands and such away from your face (finding out the hard way ^^').But it does work,so give it a try,and if it does bother your skin then please forgive me.

  6. eh its ok but i found another product that works WAY better and does not dry out your skin

    check out

    it works REALLY REALLY good better than proactive
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