
Probably a stupid question about glass tiles- the tiles are paper mounted?

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And if I'm understanding things correctly, the part of the tile I see is the back of the tiles? When I first opened the box I was upset because they had bumps in them, but after reading online it seems to say that is the back of the tile. If so, how do I put it on the wall? I've haven't found anything good online. Why are tiles paper mounted to begin with?




  1. If they were mesh mounted and you can see the color of the paper through them, then you could see the mesh through them also.  I am assuming you mean mesh on the back, left in place.  If you mean mesh on the front, then getting the mesh off without pulling some the little tile pieces off would be a battle of the adhesives.

  2. The glass is clear and the paper is colored so the color of the tile is really only the color of the paper. You put them up on cement backer board with thinset mortar just like regular tiles. Good luck!

  3. You put the thinset or glue on the wall, put the sheet of tiles, bumpy side toward the glue, onto the thinset & press it in.  Don't use too much thinset or it will ooze around the glass and stick to the paper.  When the thinset is dry, you go back with a damp sponge and wet the paper, then just peel it off.

    As to why, look at all those tiny little tiles.  Can you imagine how difficult it would be to line those up perfectly straight and evenly spaced all the way across a wall or floor?  Someone got the bright idea to temporarily stick them to paper, all nice & neat & straight.

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