
Probably everyone is sick of answering this...?

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But I'll ask anyways. So McCain's choice for VP do you think he chose a female because he knew he would get the original Hilary supporters because if elected there will still be a women in office. Which frankly I hope original Hilary supporters don't convert over just because shes a women.

*Obama 08'*




  1. As many reporters are pointing out, "  You can't just switch skirts and expect to gain women supporters."  That's an insult to women as if women see only gender and not qualifications

    (yes, I am a woman).  Palin's qualifications cannot and should not be compared to Hillary's qualifications as they are very different!  Hillary served as the First Lady of the U.S. and Senator of New York.  Palin served as the Governor of Alaska where she hunts and fish.  This is a race about qualified vs. unqualified, about black vs. white, about old vs. young, about women vs. men and about moose stew vs. beef stew.  I don't know about you all but I'll play it safe and take the beef stew anytime!  Obama has my vote!

  2. Yes, and that sad thing is it is working, to some extent.

  3. No, I think he did it because he wants to get the attention off the fact that he associates with felons like Resko and America hating criminals like Ayers...Oh, wait.  That's Obama.  Correction: he does it because he wants to take the attention off his association with Farrakhan and Wright and Trinity Church and the developers to whom he sold out his district when he was a "community planner" so that the temenents they made are no longer habitable...wait, that's Obama again.  Hmmm...service of 143 days in Senate during which he ran NOTHING and never pushed his button to vote for anything but to mark himself present except when he voted for tax cuts for the oil companies in 2005 when his opponent voted against them...oh, wait, that's Obama again.      Never mind.


    He's pledged to serve at least 4 months as President before running for higher office.

  5. i think McCain picked her out of impulse. He simply picked her to win the women over.

  6. I doubt it.  McCain already has a throng of Hillary Bigots (i.e. PUMA) supporting him anyway just to spite Obama and it doesn't matter who his VP is, they were going to vote for him anyway.

    The majority of Hillary Supporters are backing Obama because they actually have a brain and are voting for the issues instead of the candidate like some mind-numbed cultist.

    I think McCain picked Palin for three reasons, as an attention getter, to shore up the base, and to ensure that he got someone who has that reformer/corruption fighting tag on their resume.


  8. What do you think ?

    That is all that should matter !

    As for me they will have my vote !  

  9. Obama is a communist, so yes Clinton's mildly socialist yet still capitolist supporters will vote for McCain/Palin.

  10. OBAMA/BIDEN will win and McCain will have time to find is next wife and Palin will have time to take care of her children, grandchild, and child-in-law, i mean son-in-law.

  11. He picked Palin as that's his style.  He didn't want to pick someone mainstream.  He picked someone who matched his style of doing what's right and not popular.  

  12. No I think she was picked because she is strongly pro-life, opposes same-s*x "marriage," and is noted for her energy policies promoting independence from big oil companies.

  13. I don't think he chose her specifically to get Hillary supporters.  I think that would be belittling of women.  I think he chose her because he needed someone bold, exciting, and different.

    Still undecided '08

  14. He chose her because Cindy is starting to look like she was rode hard and put away wet.

  15. Some of them will.  There are a lot of feminists who are actually pretty conservative. Voting Hillary was a bigger stretch for them than voting Palin would be.

    McCain needs help with several demographics and she fits the bill.

    Pregnant daughter and all, the evangelical Christians love her.  That's 40 million votes, granted many would have gone to McCain anyway, but this pulls a lot more into the fold.

    This pick reassures gun owners.  Al Gore would have won if the voters in Tennessee (his home state) hadn't been unsure of his stand on gun control.

    Obama's remark about bitter small town people clinging to guns and religion pretty much put that entire vote on the table.  One of Palin's jobs will be to scoop them up.

    Unions are a big Democrat stronghold.  Here we have a former union member married to a union member against a ticket with a career politician and a guy who has probably never done a hard day's work in his life.  If she can swing a couple heavily union states like Michigan, Ohio, Minnesota, or Pennsylvania, that could be it for Obama.

    The people feeling the most insulted by this pick wouldn't have switched to McCain no matter who he picked, even if it was Hillary.  They are so wedded to the Democratic party that Obama knew he could pass on a woman.  You only have power if you are willing to walk away.  The conservative Christians were going to desert McCain, that's why they got their gal on the ticket.

  16. I think McCain chose Palin because he is running scared and needs a big kick to come close to Obama. I think he may have had Hillary voters in mind, but that isn't working. I heard some Republicans on t.v. today and the woman (Republicans) all said how excited they were that Palin was a woman. Nothing else, just that she was a woman. But no, i agree with you. Hillary voters are not going to vote for Palin.

  17. I can't speak for John McCain's motives. Knowing that Sarah Palin's very conservative, I think he chose her to appeal more to the conservative base of the republican party which he hadn't been successful in attracting during the primaries.

    McCain's appeal had been in attracting independent voters as it always has since he's always been more liberal than most other republicans. Even though the media's made a spectacle about disenfranchised Clinton supporters going to McCain, I think most democratic women really do support Obama.

    Of course, if Clinton supporters do end up going for McCain, I'll be glad because I want him to win. :)

    *McCain 08*

  18. That doesn't make sense, considering the fact that Palin is the complete opposite of Hillary.

    If he wanted to snag the Hillary voters, how hard do you think it would be to find a woman who's for abortion?

    Come on, now

    Palin was chosen for the Republicans, not the Democrats...Somehow tho, this time around, the libs seem to think this election is only about them and Hillary, so they figure Palin's experience and accomplishments mean nothing, and she's only being used as bait...Which, as I said, doesn't make any sense

    I think the women who truly believe that are shallow and self-centered

  19. i think he was thinking with another head...

  20. She cleaned up politics in Alaska, she has a 90% approval rating there, she has more experience than Obama, she also is good at public speaking, etc..

  21. He chose her because he needed to solidify his evangelical base while at the same time giving Independents the illusion of change.  

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