
Probate geneologists,,does there have to to be certain amount to make it worth them getting involved.

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i have recently had a probate geneologist phone me and tell me the my second cousen had died last year leaving no first hand family .

it taken all this time to trace me and my brother ,,do these people really get involved if its not worth there time .




  1. Usually a scam. Call the probate court for the county before you agree to anything. In most states, a 2nd cousin wouldn't inherit anyway unless there was a will; in which case the executor should have found you. If there was no will, you may not be entitled anyway.

  2. As they are going to take a cut of whatever has been left to you, the sum has got to be enough to make it worth your while. As they have told you that its a cousin who has died, surely you now have enough information to trace that person?

  3. Probate genealogists are contract type researchers, who are not paid as a percent or portion of the estate.  They have their own fees, and normally are persons who very much enjoy the challenge of genealogy, and putting it to practical purposes.  I am not a professional probate researcher, however one family that I had extensive records on, was part of the records requested by the estate.  I was happy to share them.

    If you have any concerns, the person will have directed you to the lawyer who is handling the estate.


    when there is no will, is exactly when the research is needed.

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