
Probation Officer?

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A family member of mine is on probation for DUI. They are not even supposed to be drinking at all and they still do. They are driving when they are not supposed to be as well. Is there anyway I can make an annonymous report to her probation officer? Will they do anything? I just don't want to see her kill someone. Nothing else will stop her from drinking and I'm getting worried. She has also disowned me because I wouldn't bail her out of jail and feel sorry for her. What can I do?




  1. Call her probation officer. Its really your own option. Its for her safety as well as your own and others. It hard to turn in a family member but sometimes its for the best

  2. Alert her PO as to what is going on through an anonymous letter or phone call. I'd go the letter route because it's less likely to be forgotten.

  3. I wouldn't go to the police they like to make scenes for no reason... find out who her P.O. officer is and contact her. Tell her who you are and that your calling in concern but would like to remain annonymous, tell her the situation. I'm sure she will be able to help. They could put her in AA classes or even rehab depending on how bad she is on alcohol.

  4. I can see why the family member disowned you. Heres what you can do is mind your own business.

  5. Absolutly...get the probation officer's name/number and call them.

  6. You can alert either her P.O. or the police.
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