
Probation??what would be usual for a first time shoplifting offense?

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Probation??what would be usual for a first time shoplifting offense?




  1. Probation is actually severe since it amounts to a sentence and a criminal conviction.  In NYS, most first time shoplifts (and most 1st time misdemeanors) are given ACD - adjourned in contemplation of dismissal.  Basically, walk out of court and stay out of trouble for 6 months (1 year for marihuana offenses or for domestic violence offenses); at the end of that time, the case is dismissed and sealed.  Failure to stay out of trouble means that the case could be brought out of suspended animation and your (almost) back to where you started.

  2. why did u do it?????:

  3. I have heard of many cases where since it was the first offense, and the offender had a clean record, charges were dropped, after taking you to "juvy" to get you processed in the system. Sometimes they won't even put you in the system, just have someone come pick you up from there. The only clause was that if there was another offense within six months, you would have to pay fines for both the shop-lifting and the second offense that you just got arrested for. But what do I know, that is just certain cases I have seen.

  4. Go directly to emergency room and get fingers cut off.Do not pass go do not collect 200 dollars. If you dont have any fingers you wont steal anymore. ha ha. Thank you.

  5. depends on the cost of the item stolen... laws vary but if it's expensive like over 500 its a felony and could be a fine (restitution) and maybe probation. but if its not expensive it could be a fine and a no trespassing to the place the item was taken from.

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