
Problally a really stupid question but it's serious?

by  |  earlier

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So I was reading on this website on where to take my dog to a vet. And it said "walk in's welcome." What does walk in's welcome mean? Is it like you don't need an appointment just come in. "/ I need help I am getting ready to take my dog but I need to know what this means




  1. Walk in's welcome is exactly what you thought it was. You can just go in, you don't need an appointment.

  2. it means like come in u r welcome anytime (i think)

    give ur dog an asprin  datz wat i gave my rabbit wen it had a bad stomach it then after a few minutes it became better

  3. means, you don't need an appointment

  4. No Appointment necessary

  5. No appointment but you might have to wait a while. So be patient.

  6. it means you dont need an appointment.

  7. it means u dont need an appointment

  8. That is exactly what it means, no appt just show up.  Just don't be in any hurry to go anywhere.  Usually if they have patients that do have scheduled appts. then they will go before you.

  9. It means that you need no appointment.  You and your pet just "walk-in".

  10. that means that you don't have to have an appointment

  11. Yes.Just like you can get a walk in hair cut.

  12. This means that you don't need an appointment. You can just go.

  13. yep you are correct! It means you dont need an appt! If you think its really bad take her to a 24 hr emergency vet

  14. Yeah walk in means you just walk in and tell the receptionist that your dog isn't feeling well and you are afraid it might be serious.... A really good thing would be call the place you are looking at taking her to and tell them your dogs symptoms and ask if you can bring her in or schedule an appointment. If it sounds serious then the receptionist should ask you to bring her in.

  15. No Question is stupid -- pablo picaso...

    yes you do not need an appointment and usually Vets dont have to be visited sith appointments...

    Please take your pet at the earliest without delay as at time this can be life saving

  16. yes..that is what it means and its not a stuipid question

  17. Yes, it means you don't need an appointment.  You may also have to wait a while to have your dog examined though--there may be 2 or 3 people that also walked in ahead of you.  Good luck, hope your dog is ok.

  18. it means u can juss come on in!

    pls help me:;...

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