
Problem Talking to Girls?

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I'm 16 years old and I'm not good at talking to girls, i rely don't have a problem with introducing myself but i don't know what to talk about after that, any ideas?




  1. know what filipino people call that?


    it means like you think you want to do it (like talk to girls and stuffs)but when it's feel like you just want to back out...


    just take a deep breath...

    and act cool...

    i assure you you'll feel better if you think you're cool

  2. do a little back ground find out what the girl likes or just ask her women love to talk about themselves, as most people do, and its also a great way to get to know her better.

    good luck

  3. I had the same problem when i was 16.... Guess what I am 46 and still have this problem....

  4. just ask her questions about things shes interested in like sports she plays

    answer mine

  5. You talk about what she talks about obviously...

  6. find something they're interested in to talk about. I'm 22 now and wish I was more open and friendly when I was younger.  I was always nervous and the such, but now I just say whatever is really on my mind.  Try to be funny, but make sure it's not something where she might think of you as a bad guy.  The hardest part is introducing yourself and having her respond.  If you got that, the rest should be a walk in the park.


  7. compliment her, talk about school, talk about music, movies, etc

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