
Problem after swimming?

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I love swimming but each time i go home after swim, I have runny nose and it is clogged-can't breathee. Tried clear water spray-no help. When i don't swim on Sunday my nose is ok. I suspect i'm alergic to chemicals in pool. Anynone has similar reaction? Do you take any medications? do you have to take everytime you go for a swim? is there a way to get out of this problem?

I have sheduled visit to a doctor next week.

Thanks for info





  1. While most pools have chlorine as the cleaning agent in their pool water, there are some that use bromine in addition to the chlorine. Some people are allergic to the bromine, and the reaction that you're having may be in relation to this. I would talk to the pool manager and find out if they use bromine in their pool chemicals.  

  2. Ya I swim in central ca and there's no prob there, and my nose gets hecka runny too. im not sure if theres a way to get outta the prob. you probally are allergic too. i have the same prob and  i take some special nasal spray. use that itll help!!

  3. I have had the same problem my entire life.  Every swim season i suffered with tonsilitis.  Barring any specific problem, this is just something you will need to deal with.  I find that flushing my nostrils using a saline wash helps as does making sure not to irritate the nasal membranes too much by breathing properly.  Keep water out of the nose!  :)   Pools vary greatly, too.  my high school used a system that used a minimum chlorine level coupled with some other kind of system that cleaned the water.  This helped greatly.  Swimming outdoors also helps with dissipating the chlorine in the air most often found in indoor pools.  If you Dr. finds a problem, then heed the advice.  Otherwise, keep healthy and keep on swimming!  

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