
Problem cadet at civil air patrol?

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i have a problem cadet at cap and we correct him all the time. he doesnt learn. im thinking about doin the whole evaluation form 50 thing. but what are some other ideas???




  1. Obviously there are many variables in this case. How long has this cadet been in CAP? What level has this cadet achieved so far? Is this cadet "on track" for testing, promotions, training? Are there other outside issues (family or friends) that are affecting this cadet's performance (lack of)?

    What duty assignments or responsibilities have been assigned to this cadet? What are this cadets strengths? Are there things this cadet does really well? Encourage this cadet to do more in those areas. (Positive reinforcement is more desirable than negative reinforcement).

    Some cadets can take a bit longer for things to sink in. Others need that special mentor to make the connection. All of this needs to be considered, but above all CAP is a place for cadets to develop the core values as a means of becoming an example for others to emulate.

    If all of this has been tried, but it's not working and the cadet is just not performing there are procedures for releasing them from the program all together.

    Let this cadet know what is expected from him, or be subject to the alternatives.

  2. Nothing works better for young people than peer pressure. Assign a more experienced cadet to be their mentor. Perhaps they need more responsibility. Give them something to do to jump start this like Guidon Bearer. Form 50's are an excellent tool for documenting their career and areas that need attention. Speak with the parents, they are excellent allies. If these don't help after several weeks of trying, restriction from activities and finally removal from CAP via the CAPF2B. Use the 2-B process wisely and discuss with your wing IG before doing so. I hope this helps.

  3. Civil Air Patrol obviously is something he signed up for, since he is a cadet I would assume he is a minor, correct? Have you advised him he is wasting your time and everyone else's that is there? Be very blunt with him, if he don't want to give 100% and be respectful he should go home and waste his parents time. You seem to be the free babysitter in this situation.  

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