
Problem drawing the ball?

by  |  earlier

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ok the problem is that i have a slice with my driver so i started trying to hit a draw witch work just fine (well actually the ball doesn't draw it goes straight). but i lose like 30 yards of carry ( because the ball balloon allot) I usually make 20 yards in roll ( about twice my normal roll)

Is this normal or am i doing something wrong?




  1. ^^^^^^^^^^ this guy knows what hes talking about

    another way to help cure that slice, is i know it may sound weird, but just set up normal, aim down the center of the fairway, take it back nice and normal how you would before, but just before you hit the ball, try to picture pushing the ball to the right(whatever slicing side righty or lefty)... like i said i know you slice, but try to push the ball to the right, this well help you bring your club around and square the face. It may feel weird pushing it into the slice, but try practicing it for a bit, you wont believe the outcome. Good Luck and have Faith...

  2. You are experiencing the same problems that thousands of golfers have every day.  You in fact are potentially headed ion the right direction,  However what your attempt to draw the ball is doing is causing you to do is hit down on the ball rather than sweep the ball off of the tee.  A trip to a teaching pro will help you get your swing plane down and you may even be able to strengthen your grip with your normal swing to correct the slice problem.

  3. Just tee it a little lower and you will be fine, cracker

  4. When your trying to "draw" the ball with your driver...your actually squaring the head at impact, thus the ball goes straight.  Your slice, fade or drift to the right is due to the face of your driver is in the open position at impact.  This is being manifested by your hand position turning during your backswing.

    If you want to tackle this on your will have to be humble and set aside your ego at the driving range...reduce your effort of swing from 125% effort to 75% effort, a lazy swing, swing like a girl, arms like a wet rag, relax...dont use your big muscles in your arm.

    Start slooow...don't even take a full windup...even a half swing is a good doing this, you will reduce the twisting in your hands during the backswing...don't try a draw...just be happy with a fairly straight flight...stay with it...slowly, take it up a notch, and if you start to see the ball fading, take it back, you are already bringing back your old habits...there will be a feel of hand position at impact that you will notice...and that is where you want to be.  You will be able to swing fully and retain the squaring of the face of the driver.  

  5. There are two types of material used in the covers of balls. One, called balata, is a softer material, vulnerable to damage from mishit shots, but it produces a better "feel" for the player. The other material, called surlyn, is a boon to less skilled players because it is cut-resistant and not easily damaged by mishits. Balata balls easily develop what golfers nickname "smiles", gashes in the covers of the ball that look like smiles.

    For beginning women players I recommend a surlyn cover,80- or 90- compression ball. The packaging will include words like distance and durable. Do not choose a golf ball because it is pink or fuschia and is called the Flying Princess or otherwise appears ladylike.

    You will need to continually update this due to improvement or changes in the yardage you hit each club. It is important to remember that there is no distance you "should" hit each club, but you do need to know how far you do hit each club.

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