
Problem getting RX filled??

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I have bersitis in my left hip and it keeps me up all night. My Dr. gave me Motrin 600, tylenol with codiene and vicadin, none that worked. I still have them left so I,m not a pill addict. He gave me a RX on Wed. for Percodan with a strength I cannot read but I have been to 6 pharmecy's in my town and they all told me we don't have it and cannot order. I will wait til Monday to cal my Dr. but shouldn't he have known this would be a problem and why is the strength not available. The bottom part reads 325?? The pain is just unbearable at niteand can,t take much more. Thanks in advance.




  1. ask for Oxycontyn or Dilaudid

  2. If you are calling the pharmacy to see if they have these in stock, the answer will always be "No'. You have to go in person. If you are going in person,then follow the advice of John Jones

  3. Two things, Beth...

    <> First, have YOUR doctor call the Rx to a local pharmacy.  If they don't have the strength he's ordered, he can make adjustments.   For example, if he'd prescribed 500 mg or something, then maybe they have 250s and he could write it as take two tablets.  You get what I'm saying.  THE point here is this, get your doctor to call in the Rx, and since it's class III narcotic stuff, he'll have to do it, not his nurse.   Then, if the pharmacy can't fill the script, they'll work it out.  Cut out the middlewoman.  (you)

    <> Or, have your doctor call the script into a national pharmacy such as Drugstore.Com.  Then, cough up the extra money for overnight delivery.

    John Jones, M.D.

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