
Problem in internet explorer?

by Guest57845  |  earlier

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Hello friends;

There is a problem in internet explorer 7 ! the problem start when was looking for "crack" for some software, I just download this crack and install it ,then new tap in internet explorer become show me a message " your internet security is low …. You have to download anti spay software from our web site" . They want to tell me my computer need their software. I know this is spy program, and I make big mistake when I download it . Now, when I open IE it come directly the new tap. I just ignore the message and then IE freezing and closed. I use now Firefox because it work without any problem. How to remove this spy or virus from my computer?




  1. goto and download Spybot - Search and Destroy... great software for stuff like this....

    hope it helps!! cheers!!

  2. You need to get a good Anti Virus program to help remove this malicious program something like (Kaspersky Internet Security) or (Spyware Doctor Internet Security).

    There is also free Anti-Virus like AVAST, AVG and AVIRA but these programs offer limited protection if you want the full protection you have to pay for it.

  3. You may be having a virus or spyware installed on your PC. Norton, AVG , Avast are freeantivirus software. Ad-aware, Ewido are free spyware removers. You can download free softwares at and . You can also run a free registry scan using utilities from

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