
Problem in marriage, please advice.

by  |  earlier

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I am proposed to girl (actually, nikkah is over, but the formal function is not commenced yet, so we don’t live together)

I can’t love that girl, when she calls or texts me I get irritated, I talk with her as a duty only. I don’t like to see her; I don’t like to talk with her.

But she loves me. I can’t break the marriage also as it will affect her severely (her future will be spoiled)

Please don’t ask why I accepted the proposal, (it happened like a drama, I can’t accuse anybody for that)


What can I do?




  1. then dont be with her, it will hurt her more if you keep at it in the marriage and you keep leading her on so break it up before it goes far.  

  2. 1. Have patience

    2. Give her a chance

    3. Question yourself what it is about her that is annoying you, why it annoys you and are you being sincere and mature with yourself in handling it?

    You are officially married as the nikah is done so if you don't want to live with her, it will be a divorce.  Think carefully.

  3. Ask Allaah to place between the both of you Rahmah.  

  4. If I was her I would rather know now, have my heart broken cry a little then get over with it than being married to someone who does not love me or gets irritated by my sight.

    Since you are not married yet it is better now because there are no kids involved etc.

  5. It happens mostly with arrnaged mariages,when we tie knot before we know each other..

    But I must tell you that nobody in this world is perfect..I am not,you are not..And life is all about balancing goodness of people involved in the relationship..

    Love just happens.I know,one can't injest or induce love..But then again,its not an impossible thing.Try to see the good side of your wife.Afterall,no person it completely bad right!Slowly slowly,you find yourself involved in long talks and then like her,later love her..and it will move on.

    What i'ld suggest you now is to take a small break for all this.Stop talking to her(give her prior notice,else hse'll feel bad and hurt.Tell her you are going on a tour or something).Then,pray to Allh to help you and when in solitude,think of her,and as days pass on,i am sure you both can make it to a beautiful marriage..

    Aboveall,remember that not all people marry teh ones they love.They love the person whom they marry:-)

    Allah bless you both.

    Marriage is not a joke of funny stuff that you cancel admission to it,one you feel irriated or bored.Think and act wise..


  6. Marry the one who loves you not the one you love (only)

  7. I think there is something (most probably external beauty) lack in your fiancée which you have expected before. Nobody is perfect & perfect is not natural too; think about you, you may also have some deficiencies.

    You said she loves you, you are lucky in that case, so accept it happily.

    Life is v.short & temporary my dear. Be happy.

  8. Brother to help you out, i will marry her, send me picture of her, my mobile is 07719604450 i live in UK.

  9. Ignore the feelings. When you get married, love will develop.

    You know, it says that if you dislike something about your wife, it may be that you dislike something by which much good will come.

  10. Its a pity...definitely...i won't ask y u accepted t proposal...but i hope u can try loving her...put yourself in her sad she will be if she knows wats in your mind...try finding her gd points n not ruin b4 u luck

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