
Problem in my tank...

by  |  earlier

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Hi, I have a fish tank with 4 tetras, 2 bettas (dont say they cant go together cause mine are fine for a year) and 2 zebra loaches. My fish have many problems but the greatest is almost all of them except the loaches have external parasites. I don't know what to do because every medication cannot be used with the loaches because they are scaleless. What should I do?

PS - One of the betta's had part of their fin fall off and whats left is stringy white.

I've lost 2 tetras already.




  1. ok, are those female Betta's? If so, they do best if there are 3 or more...if those are! Congrats, they haven't killed each other yet! Go to the pet store and buy some meds for external parasites. If the loaches have white spots on them, it is most llikelyich, and you can treat that with malefix. Your other fish most likely have ich to, but it is still in the egg stage, so it is best to treat the whole tank for it. Good luck with your fishes!=)

  2. get a 5 gallon tank at wal-mart for 20.00 and put the loaches in there and treat your other tank with the meds and after your other fish are healed put the loaches back in..
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