
Problem.. please help!?

by  |  earlier

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I was at Publix lastnight and they have one of the machines you can check yourself for blood pressure and mine was 98/69 and my mom said that was very low! But she also said she didn't think it was working because it took the machine a very long time!! I don't wanna freak out, but should I call the doctor or wait til I go in Monday?




  1. Dont pay attention to a machine!

    When your pregnant there are only two kinds of people you just let take your BP: your doc and your midwife..

    These machines will just get into your head and give you more things to worry about while your pregnant

  2. I use to work at the Wal-mart pharmacy and our blood pressure machine never worked correctly, it has to callabrated and it doesn't get done as often as it should and kids mess with them so much they just stop working correctly, I think you will be safe to wait till you go to the Dr on Monday unless you are experiencing signs of low blood pressure.

  3. a word to the wise a low blood pressure reading is always a good sign your ok.You only need worry if it's high so relax nothing to fear.

  4. Weel for starters never trust a bp machine in a store:-) Secondly, when your pregnant (and i expect you are) your bp gets a little lower that your usual, and this bp really is not bad! Just call your dr and ask if they want you to come in for a bp check, when your there ask them what your previous readings have been, if they are somewhere in that range you are probably fine! If you start getting symptoms of severe dizziness, nausea (out of the ordinary) it would be best to let your dr know1 GOD BLESS!!!

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