
Problem searching messages in Yahoo Groups?

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When trying to search for keywords in the message list in my Yahoo group it doesn't 'find' anything even when I search for words I know for a fact are in messages.




  1. I wish I could answer your question, but I came on here to ask the exact same question. I have experienced the same problem for weeks in my group. When I attempt to search for keywords I know are in previous messages, the search will go back only about two weeks. It finds the words during that period of time, but finds nothing from earlier dates. Has anyone else encountered this problem?  Does anyone know a solution? Now here is problem number 2...Recently, after I have logged into my group, I'm often "signed out" involuntarily and have to sign in again, sometimes 4 or 5 times each day. Answer anybody?

  2. many groups are experiencing this, and it seems this happens often enough- happened a few months back as well and effected the majority of groups

    I think Yahoo is aware of it, never hurts to remind them

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  3. mine aren't working either, so it much be another yahoo glitch that needs fixing..  try search through  sometimes it finds stuff in yahoo groups..

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