
Problem teacher?

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This year our school assigned a new AP Chemistry teacher out of desperation. He hasn't taught chemistry for 8 years and doesn't even know much of the basics of how to teach AP chemistry. He basically reads us the book.

The issue is that he's a very moody and verbally attacks students occasionally, calling them stupid or saying things like "How can you not even do a simple problem like this?" despite the fact that some of the smart students in class always corrects him.

He also tells other students of other students' grades, although he's not supposed to.

He yelled at me last Friday and left me feeling like **** this weekend, even though I tried not to let it affect me. He also told students that I'm "weird".

He's also bipolar so he'd be yelling at you then suddenly apologizing the next minute.

Students have wanted to write to the Assistant Principals at our school but they won't listen to us.

What to do when even the school authorities won't listen?




  1. talk to your parents, or people on the school board. they usually have a group that meets every now and then to review what's happening and what's coming up. they want what's best for the kids, so talk to them first. then i would have a few of the top students write emails or letters to the principal, saying how they feel he is not a suitable teacher. if they still don't listen, try writing to your local paper. if there's a section for 'letters to the editor' they'll probably print it--i think they like to have different age groups with actual problems. but also, i think you need to give him a little bit of a break. the first year back of teaching isn't easy but usually it gets better. i know it'll be a little late for your class, but sometimes teachers take longer to get settled in than the kids. good luck!

  2. get the school board involved.

    let your guardians call and start complaining.

    eventually, if enough parents call... they do something to fix the problem

  3. wow you sound like your from my school.

    maybe if you ask your teacher if you can privately speak to him and then you can adress that you didnt like the fact that he called you weird, and that you dont like when he tells other students your grade. See how he reacts, If he still isnt listening id have your parents call the school and complain based on what youve said and if anything make sure that other students parents call too, What really works is when your parents personally go to speak with someone with authority because then they have to take action.

  4. I would ask my parents to talk to the principal about him.
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