My brother and SIL have 2 children 7 and 4.
They are not bad kids but they have not been disciplined properly.
When they come over they go through our cupboards and help themselves and continually jump on our furniture and they really have no respect for adults in general. We have lived close by to them for 9 months now and when they do something i don't like i tell them not too do it, and they more often than not don't listen. My brother not only rarely backs me up but he has started getting his knickers in a knot about it and he makes alot of snide jokes about me being mean to the kids. He is very sensitive and i know if i told him what i really thought he would probably never speak to me again! I love him but my house is no hippie house and i don't think children and adults are equal, i think there should be some respect, which i feel he himself is not giving me by not taking my house and rules seriously. What is the best way to deal with this situation?