
Problem with Capricorn male...HELP !!!!?

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I've been with my cappie for 3.5 years. overall our realationship has been good (when he's in a good mood). I live in Cali and now he lives in VA (distance isn't the issue). In December he wanted to go to a party with some friends and I tripped a little bit. Then when he was walking from class with a female classmate I sent some texts jolking with him about him not answeringhis phone when he was with her. Anyways, he got mad, but thought everything was resolved, but then he kept bringing it up and last month he told me that that rubbed him wrong and tripped him out and he thinks we should date other people. He still bopught me a real nice birthday present. and calls me all the time but said he needs space now.Said I'm still his best friend but he doesn't want a relationship because he feels imprisoned. He still tells me how much he cares and ALWAYS brings up stuff we've done and places we've gone. he's not working right now so his esteem is really, really low.




  1. Oh boy...The Capi Man.  They are almost as complex as the Capi Woman.

    One thing I can say about the Capi Man is when they find a woman they love they are one of the most dedicated and loyal of the zodiac...and to acuse them otherwise is a deep and powerful stab in the back (almost painful).  They take great pride in thier loyalty and expect others to be the same way.  When a Capi man finally gives his's serious, because it's in their nature to not give it freely or quickly.  

    In other words...when they finally's permanent.

    The self-estem is another issue.  Capi men take great pride in their accomplishments and when they are not making strides it's not a good situation.  Being a Capricorn, we do not like setbacks, or lack of accomplishments.  Once we focus on something, we can (and sometimes will), wait years...Unfortunately, we will either clam up, or explode, depending on our current state of mind.  Usually, we clam up, and drag others down with us.

    I could be wrong, but it sounds like your Capi is in a bad spot for the moment.  A 3.5 year relationship is on the rocks and he's not working.  This is a BAD mix...almost volatile.  These are two things we hold dear to our hearts.  The space he's asking for could be simply him trying to protect you from his emotions.  We don't deal well with emotions, or understand them, even when they slap us in the face.

    We (Capricorns) are so simple, we are complicated.  There are only two things in life we want.  The career we desire...and a stable and supportative love.  

    If you love him and the love is meant to be...Trust me...He will come back to you.  If a Capricorn has dedicated 3.5 years into a relationship, then that means it's what he wants.  He's just a little lost right now.  The lack of a career is taking a toll.

    Have faith in him.  Have faith in your love and history.  Support him more than you've ever supported anyone in your life.  Laugh at his jokes (even the perverted ones), and let him know you will always be there for him.

    We are dedicated people.  We may not show it sometimes, but when we love someone, it's to our core...and it's permanent and forever.

    We love to love.



    He may have made the dating comment for a few reasons.  It could have been an impulsive blurt he couldn't take back, or he may be thinking about it, or he could have said it to see how you would react (testing the stability factor).  Capi's don't usually play games and are honest, but he is still a man.  

    As for what you should do, you should follow your heart.  It doesn't sound like you are ready to date anyone else, so don't.  It's not fair to you.    

    Only you know the real him.  (what works, what doesn't) I know he is a Capi and prone to certain traits.  If he is a strong Capi, then it would be best to not pursue him right now.  Capi's do not like to be chased.  He knows you are there and he knows the value of your love.  Maybe a week, or two without the support zone will open his eyes.  Wait for him to come to you.

    As for this statement...

    "As far as supporting him goes...I always have but now he said maybe me doing that was bad for him..I should have been harder on him so he would work on his career."

    We are all responsible for our own actions.  This was not your fault and he's just looking for an excuse for the situation he's in.  

    Anyways, I'd like to circle back to waiting a few weeks without getting in touch with him.  As hard as this would be, this is good for you also.  Slow down the drama in your life a little.  Think about what has happened and what is happening.  Think about where you want to be in the future.  Do you love him, because your in love with him, or because he's familiar and it's a comfort zone.

    This is about your happiness also.  

    Think about you too, because you're special and you deserve the best in life.


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