
Problem with JVC camcorder {video included}?

by  |  earlier

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Thats the video. Please help.

I need help with how do i get it back to a normal video. Should i try cleaning my camera?? or whatever cassette cleaning is. Thank you much =D




  1. 1. clean the heads. thats the first thing.

    2. hit the reset button. its a tiny pin sized hole. hold it in for 30 secs.

    3. ALWAYS use the same brand tapes and the saem style if you can.

    you have emoltion on your heads and that causes the breakup.

    if all this fails, take it in for service but remember, get a quote cos the new price of some cams is the saem price as a service sometimes. it might be worth considering getting rid of the jvc.

  2. I don't think cleaning is going to help.

  3. dude...looks like you need to clean that out.... you can try using some canned air and blow that into your heads.  If not you can take it somewhere to get it checked out.

  4. Post the model number. It is at the bottom of the camcorder. Don't try running a cleaning tape since it is abrasive but if you decide to do so just play it for 1 minute.

    It may just be a setting issue.

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