
Problem with Masturbation?

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I am 22 year old man. I started the habit of masturbating right from the age of 14. Since then I did it at least once a day till today. But a friend now says that it will prove dangerous and I shall not have a child. Is it true? I am thinking of marriage and I need kids. Did this much masturbation make me infertile?




  1. Umm... no.

    It's ok. :)

  2. get a girlfriend.. f*g

  3. no if this was true half the men in the world would be infertile  

  4. No, it's a part of life. You have to do it lol.

  5. Great goddess, what benighted places do people get their ideas????

    All males m********e.  It does NOT reduce fertility -- although in a man who has LOW fertility to start with, sometimes not masturbating or having s*x for a few days brings his sperm count up to a critical point where he can impregnate someone.  

    Masturbation (including FAR more masturbation than you have done) has no negative effects whatsoever.  It does have side effects, but they are all positive.  For example, it helps prevent Prostate Cancer.

    You have the same chance of having a child that you would have if you had never touched yourself, and more chance of satisfying your eventual wife.

    Stop listening to the myths and lies of those who just don't like s*x.

    Kind regards,


  6. Masturbation is fine. When you jack off everyday, your body just thinks you are having s*x every day. Your body doesn't know the difference. It will have no effect on your ability to have kids.

  7. trust me, you're fine.  I used to jerk four or five times a day;  usually at least twice.  And I've got two kids.  You're fine.

  8. nope

  9. dude who told u tht

    yoe u r going to have kids who ever told u he is STUPID EDIOT AND HE IS ****** and so on.......................

    dont believe on him

    marrry with gurl AND ENJOY UR LIFE


  10. NO NO NO NO

  11. No, masterbation is not harmful at all. Infact, recent studies shown that men who m********e are less likely to have heart attacks and/or prostate problems. You can never run out of sperm because it will replenish itself within a few hours. Once you are married though, stop masterbating, and stick to having s*x with your wife, because frequent masterbation causes temporarily sprem loss until it replenishes itself, making less sperm in your s***n, which makes it less likely for your future wife to get pregnant.

  12. NO, its actually relevies stress. But if you are going to want to have children you may want to cut back on it when your ready to start reproducing as in attempting. Cause having it everyday lowers ur sperm count so when your ready to want to have kids hold for like 2 days and then have intercourse ...  :D  

  13. no. it is a complete myth.

  14. Your friend is retarded. people are MORE healthy if they m********e often.

    party on!

  15. Youur friend is wrong.  In fact, there are studies that show that regular s*x minimizes prostate enlargement.

  16. Think of every father you know.

    Every man you just thought of has probably masturbated once a day for years.

    It doesent effect fertility.

  17. Don't be scared bro! Its a big fat lie. If not almost every guy on the planet would be infertile by now! Masturbation shows u are healthy. It also makes u know what u like and don't like so just do it in moderation and with lube! Good luck

  18. AHAHAHAHAHA what ******** told you THAT? lol  

  19. Your body makes new sperm and seminal fluid all the time, you never run out. If you could run out I would have dried up long ago. =-)

  20. Completely stupid advice!  You are continually producing "the little guys" and will continue to be fertile until you reach the male equivalent of menopause.  Don't worry about it!

  21. thats just a myth like wanking makes you blind. its completely stupid. you'll be grand just dont have a **** for like 2 days before u have intercourse so ur sperm count goes up abit.  

  22. it is not true at all...

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