I have a new 120 gallon tank. Its been set up for about three weeks. The first week I cycled it, and the last two weeks I have had 6 mollys in it as test fish. So everything was fine and yesterday I went To PetCo to buy 6 angelfish. I woke up this morning, and they were all fine. They had been in the tank mabe twenty hours. I went to work for two hours and when I can back... One fish is now floating around the tank and can barely keep himself up in the water. And I cant even find one the the other angels. I went upstaires to look for a seperate tank for the barely alive angel because I have turned off all filtration because the agel was being sucked to the filter, or the undergravel system would launch him across the tank. When I came back I also couldnt find him... Two missing fish. I found that badly hurt fish under a rock... Seriously have no idea how he dug under there, but he managed. And im still looking for the other fish. Any ideas on how I can help this poor fish while I look for the other one?